Had an empty box but filled it

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Dec 8, 2005
Lemont, PA, USA 16851
Have had this display box for a number of years, was just about ready to make a decision to either try to sell it or sand it down and just use it for displays. Lo and Behold, two guns showed up on GB that go in the box. Didn't win the first one so watched the second and won it. It was delivered yesterday. Both gun and box in perfect condition. Now I have the Police Marksmanship Association set (although the s/n's don't match - that's another hunt :) ) and the Ohio State Police Golden Anniversary gun and box.



Bob Wright

Jun 24, 2004
Memphis, TN USA
I'm a very neat housekeeper, orderly to a fault. On a coffee table and on a nearby table, I have two mahogany boxes to keep things at hand yet still be neat. My Home Helathcare nurse remarked on the matching boxes, and their source.

"I liked those boxes. I had to buy two guns in order to get them," I told her. They are S&W Model 29 presentation cases. Didn't feel like telling her about the ones in the shop.

(I really bought the guns, not just for the boxes. Though one I bought sort of by accident.)

Bob Wright
Dec 8, 2005
Lemont, PA, USA 16851
I am wondering if that might have been given to the winner of a Regional PPC match. The NRA only recognizes police (including military police) who shoot in these PPC matches, no non police. I shot PPC with a group when I was stationed at Dover AFB, DE. They were affiliated with the NRA for the PPC matches but had their own "section" for Non-Police (like me) who wanted to shoot PPC. Our non-police team got to be pretty well known and were invited to compete in matches put on by the NSA, FBI, Maryland State Police and other organizations. I built a PPC gun from a GP-100 but ended up selling it a few years later when I was selected to join a USAF team to help the Egyptians build/equip a new F-16 base in Ismailia (right near the Suez Canal). I should not have sold that gun.

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