Just curious but if a person wanted to buy your gun how do you go about doing this?
Post "I'll Take It!" Before someone else does and start a PM ( Conversation ) with the seller.
A little more detail:
After the "Conversation" is initiated, and you agree to terms, you make arrangements to pay the seller.
After the seller is paid, they ship your firearm to an FFL in your area.
Your local FFL takes care of complying with the transfer requirements of your particular state (NICS check, any permit requirements and/or waiting period, etc.), and transfers the firearm to you.
Check with local gun shops, ask them how much they charge for a "transfer." Small shops or "kitchen table" FFLs are usually cheapest.
Chain sporting goods stores often aren't interested (or even willing) in doing a transfer for you.
GunBroker.com has a "Find an FFL" tool, to help you find a local FFL who would be willing to help you out.
In MN, "my guy" charges $20 for a transfer. I always give him $25, and we're both happy… Shop around,
FFL transfer prices can vary wildly.
It seems a little complex at first, but once you've done it once or twice, it's a piece of cake. (Assuming you have a good local FFL!)
It's good to have a standing relationship with a local FFL… For example, say you stop in a gun shop while traveling, and find your "Holy Grail" gun at a good price. IF you have a standing relationship with an FFL, and IF the dealer you're visiting will ship to your home dealer… it's a pretty easy transaction.
I was on a motorcycle trip, and found a Holy Grail revolver in TN.
A quick phone call to my home dealer, and the process was initiated. I paid at the shop in TN. By the time I rode home to MN, my revolver was waiting for me, at my FFL!