Let a guy from work shoot a few 38s from my GP100 last week. Showed him how to load, cock and shoot both single action and double action. Everything looked ok so I give him the go ahead. While I was digging out some more ammo I see him reloading (good so far) then he does the hollywood flick to close the cylinder. Being a ruger, I thought it could take that abuse many times without being to concerned. After the fellow left I went to polish off the 38s and could not close the cylinder. I thought, OK lead buildup no problem and gave the remaining lead wadcutters away. After cleaning out the tons of lead the cylider still was way tight. I got to looking at the lock up and found sharp jagged edges where the cylinder passes the edge of the frame and appeard to be gauled. So was the small round bearing surface just in front of the cylinder. Took the whole thing apart and put the file to all those points and put them back to square and smooth. Works fine now but I was supprised at the softness of the material and ease that that it could be removed. Is this common for a SS revolver?