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Jan 16, 2010
I was loading some 9MM this weekend, some Remington 125 gr. Golden Sabre's, and found a unprocessed lead core in the box. It weighs 90 grs., so that makes the jacket weigh 35 grs. I don't know how these bullets are made but I would guess the jacket would be formed then the lead core inserted and under pressure the core fills the jacket and the nose is formed. You can see from the pic that the core is longer than the finished bullet, it would be interesting to see them made.

If you ever go to Sedalia, MO you can see how Sierra Bullets are made. You have the process right. They make the jacket then press the led core into it under extreme pressure. Make sure you call the manufacturer about your box of bullets. I'm sure they will want to find out the lot number and how that got by Quality Control. They may even send you a free box!
cbass said:
If you ever go to Sedalia, MO you can see how Sierra Bullets are made. You have the process right. They make the jacket then press the led core into it under extreme pressure. Make sure you call the manufacturer about your box of bullets. I'm sure they will want to find out the lot number and how that got by Quality Control. They may even send you a free box!

I remember going through that with Winchester. I bought some boxes of 243 empty brass and wound up with some 308 cases in them. They thanked me for bringing it to their attention. :roll:

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