ejector rod on service six

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one bullet

Oct 4, 2007
North Carolina
I've got what I believe to be a never fired service six, 4 inch stainless. I did buy it used though. The ejector rod has a very slight wobble when you spin it and sometimes in certain positions it will stick after you press it in. You can just touch it and it will return back. Is it hard to replace this rod and are any special tools needed. Where could I get instructions on how to do this? Thanks!
Well, you'll need a good manuel explaining the disassembly process. I haven't had one apart in a while,, but I recall it wasn't overly hard to do.
one bullet, I'm not sure if you can still get these rods from Ruger. A good local "competent" gunsmith can "straighten" out the ejector rod for you if you decide to go this route. It is a "tricky" procedure and since you are not knowledgeable about disassembly, I strongly recommend you go this route. Evidently someone spent a lot of time "snapping" the cylinder back into the frame "cowboy" style and bent the rod!...........................Dick :wink:

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