Early Auto unfinished mags?

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Dec 5, 2002
Idaho falls, ID
I recently picked up a couple of "unfinished" Ruger Standard magazines as part of a larger package. The person I got them from could not remember for sure their story so I figured I would throw them up here for input. It is the magazines on the left that is unblued. The mags next to them for comparison are out of a 3XXX red eagle and a later Standard. The button is very similar to the early red eagle but the slots and welds are off from the others. They appear to fit and function out of a standard model, with some help. Some adjustments would need to take place to make for a smooth cycling.




I'm with Rick,, looks to be aftermarket. The follower button slot is different, the base is longer than the normal ones, the follower button isn't like any others, and the finish,, just looking at the metal,, looks too "rough".
Those all white ones have been around a long time. Got ours sometime in the 1980's. The zinc base is not plated like the regular production Ruger magazines.
Here's the kicker... note how on the all white magazine, the top front portion of the base juts into the magazine shell with a radius. The 2nd magazine that is shown there is the type used 0001 to about 7000 Red Eagles, it has a shell with the cuttout for that radius of the base... but the extra radius isn't on the base. So what was that radius for then on Ruger's earliest magazine? I think that is the reason we always thought Ruger may have made the all-white ones.
Were the white ones converted from High Standard magazine shells??? Then the different base put on the bottom....
I agree with Chad, as having had the early mags that did come from High Standard and Mr Ruger modified them and "had" to leave that notch at the front bottom to keep the overall length in the rear ( this was per talks with Walter Howe many , many years ago he was very helpful to me back then in the early, mid 70s when we had the shop, and I believe Laura still has one she got from him back then, wow, wonder where that is stashed at....... :unsure: :rolleyes:
gotta keep in mind the grip angle differences of the old 22 s back then in the latter part of the 1940s, of High Standard ( slant grips) and the Rugers ,more upright ,angle in 1949.......:cool: