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May 23, 2004
NW Montana
Jeff Hoover, That is what folks do, they mosey on over and squat down to get a whiff and talk about the cooking. Most people around here have never seen this kind of cooking done before, that is why they like it so much. Be neat to do some cooking for a big Ruger Rendevouz.

Jim, I will be writing this recipe down for the cookbook, thanks
Sep 1, 2003
Richmond Texas USA
Spencer":3pkr5s3d said:
Jeff Hoover, That is what folks do, they mosey on over and squat down to get a whiff and talk about the cooking. Most people around here have never seen this kind of cooking done before, that is why they like it so much. Be neat to do some cooking for a big Ruger Rendevouz.

Jim, I will be writing this recipe down for the cookbook, thanks

Hey Spencer,
Here is My Cowboy Bean Recipe that has won awards.
It takes a little more time and money to do, but is well worth it.
You can make a meal on just this and bread. Some people from those far North States think it's Chili, well it's not. Not even close.


1 pound pinto beans
2 large onions chopped
2 garlic cloves
2 tea salt
1/2# ground pork
1/2# ground chuck or stew meat
1 can tomato sauce
1 can water
1/2 tea black pepper
1/4 tea oregano
1/4 tea sage
1/4 tea cumin seed
2 tabs chile powder
Soak beans overnight
Brown meat add onion & garlic. Cook until onions are tender.
Add beans and the rest of the stuff.
Bring to a boil then simmer until beans are tender 1 1/2-2 hours. Keep
beans covered with liquid add water as required.


May 23, 2004
NW Montana
Great recipe Jim, thanks and I have it written down.
My bean recipe is quite a bit easier. Here it is.

1 lb Bacon

4 cans of pork and beans

1 tablespoon mustard

1/4 cup catsup

1 onion, chopped

1/2 cup brown sugar

3 tablespoons Worcestershire Sauce
Cook the bacon, cut into small pieces and add to oven. Dice the onion and add to DO, add rest of ingredients and heat to a simmer.

Everyone seems to love it so being and eaasy recipe with other dishes to cook it is what I use.

Peach Cobbler.
2 jumbo cans of peaches with juice/syrup in bottom. Cover with 1 box yellow cake mix. DO NOT MIX
take one stick of butter and cut into little pats and spread over top of cake mix.
Top with cinammon
cook until all mix has gotten wet from butter and bubbling syrup, you will know when it is done.

serve straight from oven.


Sep 8, 2007
Centerville, OH, USA
It's been a long time since I had access to affordable lamb - read that, it's been a while since I lived on a farm. However, my absolute favorite recipe for a leg of lamb involved deboning and cutting it open butterfly style, then make a stuffing of feta cheese, tomatoes, mushrooms, scallions, and seasoning. roll the flattened lamb back up around that and you have a dandy entree. PM me for additional details.

Great cooking, and thanks for sharing.


Sep 26, 2006
Pocatello, Idaho
Dick, I have a little something to say about your earlier post about ladies and me not being able to lift a 14 or 16 inch Dutch oven!!! SOME of the ladies that I know that you know could easily lift those sizes of ovens. Empty or Full. Now me for instance being somewhat petite of size and having a kinder, genteller disposition. I could only lift them if the adrenaline was pumping in a life and death situation. There is NO reason to lift the entire oven, Just lift the lid. You also know that my left leg is longer than my right one so I could only carry an oven in a circle and would never get to the table. So much for Polio. You also know that I have had back surgery, so I am not allowed to lift anything over 40 pounds. That is why I never go fishing. Also the guilt that I have to pack around from associating with you makes it almost impossible to carry anything else. As for me loosing my MARBLES, you know that I started life without anything, and I still have most of it. Next we come to my being 4 minutes older than dirt, and needing a walking stick just to get around, would you please just load up a plate of whatever it is you are cooking and bring it over to the old age home for me. Since my trigger finger is missing, (and I Can'tshoot) any more, you might need to feed it to me if I can find my teeth. All this because I can't lift a Dutch oven, and I thought that my wife was in bad shape. Gee I hope I live long enough to get out an the highway and drive somewhere soon. See you down the trail.
Sep 1, 2003
Richmond Texas USA
I said it before i'll say in again :D You two are two much.
Great to have good friends ya can rag on. Well in this stuation Dick is probably right :( :( I know he would never tell a false hood on this forum :lol: :lol:
Wish I could sit around the campfire with you guys.