Converting NM Brass Frame to OM

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Jan 6, 2007
Terrebonne, Oregon, USA
I have a pair of raw casting brass SBH grip frames. I just started the filing, sanding, polishing, drilling, and fitting process with one of them.

Everything was going fine until I noticed that these casting are actually in the new model configuration with brass missing above and behind the trigger hole to allow for the New Model trigger spring. In other words there is no brass to drill a hole for the Old Model trigger plunger.

The easiest way to remedy the problem would be to fill in the missing brass with JB Weld. A better approach would be to silver solder or braise a chunk of brass in there.

Have any of you ever done this and are there any tricks or potential problems?

Sorry about posting this in the Classified.

I believe Alan Harton makes a trigger spring adapter and sells it for a very reasonable price, iirc. I bought a gun that someone JB Welded a .22 case and it works well but I'm not sure how you'd ever get it out.
Ale, thank you for the links. I have done that before on this forum and know that it takes time and effort.

How was the adapter attached to your frames? (Maybe that pin you talked about.)

Well I have made about 15 of the flatgate thingies. I use a square steel rod because home depot has it and couldn't find an alum. one. Then I blue the adapter and the pin
For the pin I use a 1/8" steel welding rod. When I make these I make 6-7 at a time. Once your set up just as easy. Have 4-5 made :D