Backstrap out of spec?

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Oct 17, 2006
After believing I had some grips that were out of wack, I got another factory set to try on my new .45 Redhawk. It appears the grips are not the problem and the gun is. In the pic you can see the gap that is present on the left side, where the backstrap meets the frame. Is this common with the new 4" models? Should I not worry about it or contact Ruger?

I have a theory that the factory gives the cylinder fit, firing group, etc, work to the more experienced machinists, and they give the grip frames to the interns to work on. No two are exactly alike and sometimes the fit is off. If the rest of the firearm was built with that lack of precision and consistency it wouldn't function.

-- Sam
That's why many custom grip makers need the gripframe in order to make them fit just right. Lett used to (still do?) make the grips for Rugers. I used to think it was their grips that weren't quite right till I read that Ruger gripframes, at least those made in the mid 70's or so, varied a bit, some quite a bit.

Yours does seem to be extreme though, and I believe you could actually see that much difference with the grips off.
Could be that the wood grips are out of spec.. I would either try another set of the wood or try a grip from Hogue, which I believe will take up some of your recoil giving you more control.