Anyone using TiteGroup for warmer 32 H&R Magnum loads?

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Apr 2, 2011
Reno, NV
I have been using TiteGroup for years in my lighter to warm .45 Colt loads and it has worked very nicely for me. Well, last week I was working up loads for my 32 H&R Magnum. Using 90gr cast, I was pleasantly surprised to see the velocities I was getting out of my 3" SP101 when compared to my 4.75" Single Six. Previously using H110, the velocity loss due to the shorter barrel of the SP101 was in the neighborhood of 175fps and with the TiteGroup it was around 40-ish fps.
Anyone else playing around with TiteGroup and warmer loads in the 32 H&R Magnum? If so, would like to hear anything you have learned working with it.

I also use Titegroup in low to moderate loads for 380 through 44 SP but a little bit goes a long ways when you get up into the "hotter" end of the loading scale. It's not that I'm afraid of using TG in hotter loads but there's just a little too much chance for a slight hiccup in the powder measure/drop for my comfort zone.
I know exactly what you are saying! My present load is pushing over 1200fps with 90gr and the velocities are nice and consistent. Looking at the spent cases, no pressure signs at all...cases and primers look the same as the light loads. That being said, I am done with load development; well, at least done with putting any more powder in the case. Like you said, just a little more can go too far when using this powder. Running in the 1220's with the 3" is plenty...if I want to run faster, I will use my longer barrel revolver with slower powders.

I played around a little bit with it when I was doing my load development. I got good velocity, but accuracy was not as good as the Unique load I was using.

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