OK, here's a couple of mine as updated today. A few weeks ago, I bought the Bushnell 30mm red dot in the top image, which necessitated buying 30mm Ruger medium high rings and extended scope base (I wanted the "Ruger look"). Once installed, I wasn't keen about the optic being so high above bore centerline. I believe the lower image is "my final answer", which is an Ultradot 25 (1") red dot utilizing Ruger stainless rings and black scope base included with my KMK678GC slabside. Although the Ultradot is slightly higher cost than discounted Bushnell or similar optics, I'll return the 30mm rings and extended base to offset some cost. This was mounted just a few minutes ago, so no time yet to zero or shoot it with optic installed. The Bushnell will move to a long gun - perhaps the old Marlin Papoose in my emergency kit -or- that new Ruger 10/22 Target Tacti-cool model! :wink: