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Buckeye Bill
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    • Buckeye Bill
      Buckeye Bill reacted to Trrowhhh's post in the thread Ruger No1 scout mod with Like Like.
      The off the rack rail is something i've considered in the past. But it mounts very tall and would need a cheek riser for a good...
    • Buckeye Bill
      Buckeye Bill replied to the thread Ruger M77 Mark I in 7x57?.
      I purchased a used m77 mk1 about 15 years ago from and auction site. I was playing around reloading for my No.1’s and shooting the...
    • Buckeye Bill
      Buckeye Bill replied to the thread Ruger No1 scout mod.
      Interesting. Over the years, I have seen advertisements for a rail adapter for the OEM “A” models sight structure. I had considered it...
    • Buckeye Bill
      Buckeye Bill replied to the thread LC Carbine in 10mm.
      Interesting report on this new addition to the lineup. Very little or no actual range reports due to how recently it was released. I...
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