9mm ?

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Feb 18, 2007
Hibbing ,Minnesota U.S.A.
Does anybody use .358 bullets in their 9mm . Today I came upon a guy at my local range who had leading problems with his SR9 . After some research he tried some 158 gr bullets behind AA9 and he says they shot great with no leading. He also says he has had good luck with HS6.
YEP, NO BIG DEAL really as almost all the foreign have 9MM BBLs of .357"ID. We ran thousands of .358" lead SWC bullets through S&W M39 pistols and they had .355"ID barrels.

My mold, a Lee 124 LRN tumble lube design, drops bullets at .357"-.358" using wheelweights. They shoot fine in my CZ, and don't cause any particular leading problem.

However, I size 'em to .356" to eliminate the "bulges" I have gotten in certain cases. Reason being if those cases are finished thru the Lee Factory Crimp Die, there's never been a feeding problem, but before I started using the FCD, I did have a couple of failures. So it's a "belt and suspenders" thing I suppose.

Plus lumpy ammo looks bad, and if it was supposed to be lumpy, the factory would have made it that way, right? ;)

Rick C
I shoot .356 hard cast through my SR9c with only a small amount of leading. A quick run through of 8 to 10 swipes with a brass brush and Hoppes #9 takes care of it.

My barrel slugs at .3555 to .356 IIRC. I will be trying some home cast 9 as soon as I can get a mold. If they cast at .357, I will try them without sizing.