The S&W M547 did Not moon clips. It was designed for the French Police. It was a K frame , the majority seen in this country were 3in RB . I actually had the opportunity to shoot one. A 4in version also was mfg , but rarely seen in US .
It used an unusual and complicated system to eject with individual little prongs that cought the ctg between rim and web. Presumably it worked acceptably when used with a specific make of issued ammo. In civillian use the wide variety of case dimentions were problamatatical.
It used a frame mounted fireing pin many years before any other CF S&W , and was thereby sought out bysome 'smiths as a donor frame to build .38 PPC guns ( that reference dates me too ).
I don't have my old data , but I recall the vels with the loads of the guns owner chronographing in the expected range for 4-ish in bbl semis.
S&W M1917/37s were intended to also fire without moon clips. Depending on the individual ammo , and individual chambers sometimes the clips gave more consistant ignition , and better accuraccy.
The S&W M940 was intended to be able to fire with or without clips. From my personal experience it is highly ammo sensitive both with and without clips.