2016 #1 Lineup?

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Mar 16, 2013
Pocahontas, AR
The store up in MO. that ordered the 257 Wea for me had a rack full, well not quite but several Number 1's. I went back recently and they had none. They sell just fine in areas where I travel. Maybe Cabelas will transfer those rifles to some of their stores in "fly over country". I would say if they were sitting in the Rogers AR store the shelf life would be quite short ! :mrgreen:


Feb 7, 2006
Grand Rapids, Michigan
My interest in the Number 1 has not waned a bit. Should they be officially discontinued per lipseys request I guess the good news is that the value will once again increase on them. I feel that the demand for them is gauged on forums such as this one, and in fact this is probably where the 480/454 super Blackhawk bisley idea was originated. I think Jason at Lipseys looks long and hard at our wish list, and if it is something he feels he can move 250 of, he will probably proceed. It is important to make our suggestions and reasonings known to Jason as far as the Number 1 goes. As far as the proof load stumbling block in the 348 and others---where there is a will there is a way. Heck--Winchester just a year or two ago did a run of model 71's again and they must have gotten proof loads somewhere!

Makes me sad to see another original Bill Ruger platform on the chopping block.

Long live the Number 1!!!



Jan 4, 2004
Rugerville, AZ
El Numero Uno said:
I think a point that is frequently overlooked in these "obscure" caliber requests is the ability of the Ruger Factory to obtain proof loads. The near 2 year delay in the last Lipsey's K1A, the 250 Savage was acquiring proof loads.

I don't know what happens in NH or NC, but Prescott has SBP - shared-best-practice suppliers locally that manufacture all live ammo including "proof loads". SAAMI spec and over-pressure loads are contracted, strictly-spec'd and supplier-delivered to eliminate common carrier concerns/costs. Inventory is fully-integrated, rest assured. The supply chain (incl. ammunition and tooling, etc.) is on real-time SCM - notification and supply & demand schedules are shared across the SC.

Seeing as every firearm gets at least one over-pressure firing along with normal pressure test-firings, the "test tube" (test-fire range) is always active. That is a lot of ammo. Add to that repair test-fires (normally 30 rounds of standard commercial ammo) for pistols. With a factory shipping 30-40K guns each month, you can bet inventory (of test ammo) is absolutely under control! You don't want to be the one called into the corner office to explain why you haven't stocked sufficient ammo for a day's shipp schedule!

net effect: Obtaining "proof loads" are not a constraint IME.
Ruger having only a handful of employees capable of assembling/tuning single-shot rifles left in NH is a much more relevant threat to continuing No. 1 production IMO.
That and a glut of marketing palm-readers paid way to much for what they produce. That last line is purley 35 years of experience talking... 8)


Jun 29, 2006
Owyhee County, ID, USA
If you have waited 20 -30 years for Ruger to bring out a specific cartridge in a specific configuration, I suggest you simply never really wanted one THAT bad. (I have purchased at least 3 #1s that started life as a 257 Roberts "B" and were punched to 257 WBY. I got all three CHEAP enough to send them back and have them barreled by the factory to 257 Roberts and still be $ ahead).

Lot's of the suggested cartridge choices remind me of the old adage about custom rifles, "Remember, there is YOU and one other guy on the face of the earth that think what you built/plan on building is the perfect solution for a problem".



Mar 16, 2013
Pocahontas, AR
picketpin said:
If you have waited 20 -30 years for Ruger to bring out a specific cartridge in a specific configuration, I suggest you simply never really wanted one THAT bad. (I have purchased at least 3 #1s that started life as a 257 Roberts "B" and were punched to 257 WBY. I got all three CHEAP enough to send them back and have them barreled by the factory to 257 Roberts and still be $ ahead).

Lot's of the suggested cartridge choices remind me of the old adage about custom rifles, "Remember, there is YOU and one other guy on the face of the earth that think what you built/plan on building is the perfect solution for a problem".


Well put, I esp. like that last paragraph.
Really, to think they should come out with a Krag, 348, rounds that folks have to go into a 2 year search to find the ammo or even the brass is expecting a little too much. It still boils down to marketing and they are in business to make money. Like I said before, just have one built from a used Number 1 if you want an ingenious solution to a non existing problem chambering.


Dec 30, 1999
picketpin said:
If you have waited 20 -30 years for Ruger to bring out a specific cartridge in a specific configuration, I suggest you simply never really wanted one THAT bad. (I have purchased at least 3 #1s that started life as a 257 Roberts "B" and were punched to 257 WBY. I got all three CHEAP enough to send them back and have them barreled by the factory to 257 Roberts and still be $ ahead).

Lot's of the suggested cartridge choices remind me of the old adage about custom rifles, "Remember, there is YOU and one other guy on the face of the earth that think what you built/plan on building is the perfect solution for a problem".


BINGO! Always see the ones claiming they just "have to have ____" yet after waiting and waiting and waiting still have nothing to show for that want. Plenty of guys doing custom work so if you really, honestly need that odd-ball, there's someone out there able to build it. The "too much money" excuse... guess it wasn't an honest "gotta have one" after all. ;)

I also see a lot of the ""they should make ______, they'd sell a ton" comments. To that I always say if you're really that sure, put up YOUR money for a run. After all if it's a sure thing, you'd have no problem at all recouping that investment and making a little profit as well. AND...you get that "gotta have one" you've always wanted. ;)

Re: proof loads - spoke with a couple reps a while back and they told me that getting proper proof loads was THE biggest hurdle in a lot of cases. The proofs come from Europe and the at time and especially costs involved for such small runs of it make the end results a bit cost prohibitive. (All that needs to be incorporated into the final cost ;) ) But hey, if it's that easy, again, start your own proof production and clean house. :)


May 19, 2002
Reston VA USA
I never got into guns expecting profits to fund my eventual heirs' profligacy. Personal satisfaction and enjoyment and a disdain for chasing skirts or other less wholesome -- and hugely more expensive -- pursuits made me a denizen of gun shows, shops, and shooting ranges. So, whatever the cost of gun nut orientation, in the end I am way ahead.

I also am an unapologetic fan of customized #1s. As a member of an admitedly small segment of the ruger #1 customer base I appreciate the #1 as a classic -- but out of the box flawed -- platform for a superior hunting rifle longing to be remade right.

For them -- errr, us -- a custom build #1 made to our specs, with our personally selected wood in the hands of a craftsman familiar with and able to negate the flaws -- functional and aesthetic -- inherent in factory models pushes the envelope way past anything we can beg Ruger to make.

Ross is right that not many out there are willing to buy such custom pieces at anywhere near what it cost to create them. But owning a #1 rifle that is dead right for you and improved beyond corporate compromises and shortcuts is its own reward.

I never came into this life expecting to leave stacks of $ behind. A couple of rifles I can really take pride in having created will do.



Feb 24, 2012
As a lefty I gave up years ago waiting for a company to build the rifle I want. Much easier to just buy a donor rifle and customize it to your tastes. In every case ended up with a rifle better than the factory equivalent anyhow.
I would never buy a #1 hoping it would increase in value as safe queens have zero use to me.


Jan 4, 2004
Rugerville, AZ
A guy with cash can customize anything of course. I think the OP was more of a "what's your guess for the next release" query.

When I ask Ruger folks about the No. 1, I get more shaking heads than information...

Big Old Boy

Dec 31, 2013
We must remember this is a wish list, I wish I was a multiple millionaire but I did not work hard enough.
Nov 20, 2007
Southwest Washington
My situation is that I am reaching the last 10 years or so of my ability to hunt. I don't buy rifles to collect, but rather as tools for hunting. My "wish list" until now has always included a #1 in 35 Whelen, 300 H&H, and 348 Winchester. Well I have the first two and doubt whether Ruger will ever chamber a #1 in .348. Besides, I have my late Dad's Model 71 Winchester, and that is just fine by me...... I will step aside and let the others make a wish list.
Further more, I am going to sell my 2015 1A 7mm-08, 1S 7mm Rem Mag, and a #3 hybrid 44mag/444 Marlin. Just have no need for them now.....
Good luck going forward on future chamberings, I think the flickering flame of significant interest in the platform is about to go out to the point that the distributors won't commission any new runs. Just my opinion.



Jan 22, 2009
Southeastern Michigan
trapperon said:
I think Jason at Lipseys looks long and hard at our wish list...

Speaking of Jason, where has he been lately? I expected something from him regarding the 2016 Number One production by now... or on any other subject.

Maybe he forgot his RF password.



Mar 23, 2015
Cordite said:
trapperon said:
I think Jason at Lipseys looks long and hard at our wish list...

Speaking of Jason, where has he been lately? I expected something from him regarding the 2016 Number One production by now.

I'm still wondering on 2015 production........


Mar 26, 2009
I just really hope they continue in 2016 even through Lipseys and in limited numbers.