Who here wants a NewVaq in 327 as an eight-shot? USFA...

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Feb 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ, USA
...just proved it's possible.

Come on Ruger, take the Flattop 357/44Spl type as a starting point. EIGHT SHOTS man, that would freakin' rock. I'd have to go score some more brass tube and start choppin' up another socket for that!
As heavy as the 50th .357 is, I'd really rather see it in a six shot Bisley Single Six. Particularly if the barrel's gonna be 6½" - 7½" long.
2 extra chambers...oh boy...yeah...:roll: Never got the excitement over the whole 6+ chamber thing. If those 2 extra rounds are that important, practice so you don't need the additional rounds or stop being lazy, suck it up and reload every 6 like has been done for 100 years.
.327 chambering...This just hasn't been marketed and thus hasn't caught on enough to warrant a whole new model with new tooling, etc. Even as a 6 shot, the .32 mag died twice and with everyone thinking they need huge magnum cannons, the new little .32 cal just hasn't goy much of a following to warrant the new model.
BlkHawk73":1c0fcd61 said:
Never got the excitement over the whole 6+ chamber thing.
I can burn through a brick five rounds at a time with the best of `em but my little USFA 12/22 is a hell of a lot of fun!

I'd say it doesn't have much of a following because it's only been offered in pocket pistols. Once it becomes available in a few different sporting pistols things may change. You gotta have something to follow before it can have a following. ;)
CraigC":3a1nv9pq said:
BlkHawk73":3a1nv9pq said:
I'd say it doesn't have much of a following because it's only been offered in pocket pistols. Once it becomes available in a few different sporting pistols things may change. You gotta have something to follow before it can have a following. ;)

Not seeing many of these 12/22's on shelves or ppl clamoring for them. Not seeing the Taurus and S&W "more than 6" models burning the shelves of dealers either. :?
Personally I don't live by the wants and needs of others. The 12/22 is distributed exclusively by Davidson's and they do not stay in stock for long. I've actually been thinking about getting a second one, this time in nickel.
Looks like you can buy the 12/22 directly (to FFL of course) from USFA ... Whoops through Davidsons ... Sorry for the confusion....


Kind of expensive, but like to have someday. Traditional full size revolver in .22! 8) and 12 rounds to boot... that's cool.

The .32 (and the .41) is just an 'in between' calibers. I personally don't see the need for the .32 and the .41 caliber so wouldn't be interested... but that is just me :eek: . If there is a market, the manufacturers will build :) .
On a side note, I talked to Mr Gallagher a few years back regarding an 8-shot .32-20 he built on a New Model Blackhawk. Asked him if he would build me up an 8-shot .357 NM Blackhawk and he was more than happy to comply.

I lost interest in the idea, but darned if that wouldn't be pretty cool. A useful caliber that seems out of place in a large frame Ruger, but open 'er up to an eight-shooter and you might have something.
>>Asked him if he would build me up an 8-shot .357 NM Blackhawk and he was more than happy to comply.<<

Yeah, that would be slick as hell too :). BH grip frame, 4.68" barrel, think "modern SA streetfighter".
I think I will be looking for a good deal on a 32 H&R Single six, with adjustable sights. I will then get it converted to 327. Seems like a better size pistol for that caliber.

JimMarch1":3un8i0f9 said:
>>Asked him if he would build me up an 8-shot .357 NM Blackhawk and he was more than happy to comply.<<

Yeah, that would be slick as hell too :). BH grip frame, 4.68" barrel, think "modern SA streetfighter".

What I was envisioning at the time was a Super Blackhawk styled gun, dragoon grip frame, 7.5" barrel, unfluted cylinder.

Sort of a StealthHawk if you will.........
I'll stick with a sixshooter or a fiveshooter. The ONLY thing I don't like about revolvers is cleaning them. And as old as I am, I have enough trouble remembering which of the SIX chambers I just cleaned, let alone 8 or 12......
JimMarch1":1bgaivrf said:
Who here wants a NewVaq in 327 as an eight-shot? USFA just proved it's possible.

Come on Ruger, take the Flattop 357/44Spl type as a starting point. EIGHT SHOTS man, that would freakin' rock. I'd have to go score some more brass tube and start choppin' up another socket for that!

Yeah, right. They will get right on that request.

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