whats your favorite revolver

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Nov 20, 2008
burgettstown pa
mine is my vaquero sheriff 45colt to me the balance and way it points is perfect . i also love that becuase its on the older blackhawk sized frame i can use normal or ruger only loads its just a great all around gun in my opinion . my flat top 45 colt and s&w mountain gun are close seconds . so whats yours?
Mine is a Talo Ruger New Vaquero in .45 ACP. It's a stainless birdshead model with a 3.75" barrel. It balances great, carries very well, and is my ever present EDC. A 1911 magazine makes a fine speedloader too. :)
5.5" Bisley SBH SS....it just loves a 240gr. SWC at about 950-1000fps. Balance and point-ability superb
Whichever one is in my holster at the time. Could be one of the Blackhawks, GP100, one of the Taurus revolvers.

Never ask a father to pick between his kids. Ain't no way I'm gonna even reply as I enjoy all of mine,,, and I do have "a few."
4 5/8" Blackhawk. That's as close as I can narrow it down. Have a new 5 1/2" Bisley but I just can't get attached to it for some reason.
.45 Flattop Convertible ... Shoot mostly .45 Colt in it.

For Ruger:
SA... a toss up between the old model Blackhawk 4 5/8's and the old model Bearcats/Super Bearcats.
DA... Redhawk 5 1/2.

For other brands:
SA... Herters 401 Power Mag
DA... S&W Model 29's, 19's, and 22/32, 34 & 63 Kit guns.
For DA it is a tossup between my Colt Python and S&W 625. Although if I had to go into the boonies with a DA I would take my Ruger GP100 with hot 357 handloads.

For SA it would be a tie between my now old 1976 357 Blackhawk because we have been through a lot together.

....and my much more recent Bisley in 45LC/.45ACP. From hot 45 LC to .45ACP plinkers I am amazed how well it shoots.

I have a bunch of em but my favorite model is the Vaquaro. I prefer short barrels but shoot longer barrels best. That said I guess my most favorite are my 5 1/2" .45 colt new Vaquaros in ss. JUST SWEET !!
Mine are my pair of Bisley New Model Vaqueros the I use for Cowboy Action Shooting. Of the four SA revolvers I own these are the best for me.