Unique powder question

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Jan 14, 2011
Citrus Springs, FL
Bought a mixed lot of reloading supplies and the lot had a half jug (8lb) of unique powder in it. Its in the correct jug but obviously has been opened. Before I start using it i would like to verify that it is the correct powder since I didnt open it. I dont have any to compare it to so I thought I would throw a pic up here and get some opinions.

Thanks, not really in doubt about what is just wanted a third opinion I guess. Older gentleman I got the powder from said it was was Unique and "not very old". He also mentioned he always kept his reloading supplies in ac to keep it from the Florida humidity.
Galaxiedan said:

I know this isn't a safe way to verify powder, but I have some free time so I thought I would post a picture of my Unique as a comparison.
The flakes on the dime look identical. Jeff
I think based on you pictures and what you already know about it you are safe. If it was a slower burning powder you load would end up being too light. If it was a faster powder that could be dangerous but I doubt that beacause it certainly does not look like bullseye or 231 which would be the most common. It does look like unique which is exactly what it is supposed to be. You can also rule out blue dot, red dot and green dot because of no colored dots. I believe you are safe.
Galaxiedan said:
Thanks guys! I'm new to reloading and just wanted to be triple safe in every aspect. One of the reasons this forums people are the best!


Well, if you want to be "triple safe," divide it in thirds and put one third on the lawn, one third on the roses, and the last third on something else colorful in the garden! Water 'em in well, and watch things grow... :D

As tempting as it may seem to try it, especially considering today's market conditions of price and availability, it's hard to be TOO safe, whether you're just getting started or have been at this game a few decades. Chances are it's exactly what the gentleman told you, in exactly the condition he suggested, but is it worth the risk? I know the answer for myself; can't speak for anyone else, though.

A lot of the guys here know me as being VERY conservative in this department, but I ran out of "stupid money" after ruining one gun when I was a beginner: I was lucky enough in that case to still have both eyes, and be able to count to 21 before starting over on fingers, toes or hose, so maybe it pays off?

Rick C
Sure looks like Unique to me and the guy you got it from says it's Unique and it came in a Unique container.
If for some reason you still have doubts you could buy a can of Unique and make your own side by side comparison
but if it was me I would just use it.
Yes, it looks like Unique... but Bullseye looks a little like Unique, too. I'd be very careful with that powder.

Is there a starting charge with Unique that isn't over a max load of Bullseye? IIRC, 700X is a flake powder similar to this, too.

Bottom line, be careful.
Bullseye is MUCH finer in texture than Unique. I'd use it without hesitation. But if you're concerned, load a really light load of it, say a middle-of-the-road Bullseye load, and try it. If you have a chronograph, you'll know pretty quick whether or not it's Unique.
Just don't stick a bullet in the bore with a load that's so light (that turns out to be Unique).

Do you have a fresh container of Unique to compare it to? Or, 700x, or 800x, Bullseye, etc?
If it were me, I'd put the jug on a shelf, with the cap on snug, and when I gained more experience reloading and handling powders, then deal with it. Being Unique, there is prolly no reason not to use it, but for now you could shelf it until you're sure...
"When in doubt, throw it out."

Sound medical advice.
I would heed what this man says. Eyes, fingers and such are hard to come by on the used market...

Even if a pound of Unique were worth a million dollars, it wouldn't be worth your eyesight.

Question for all you guys who are eyeballing this stuff:

What signs do you look for that tell you it's NOT 700-X, 800-X or Herco?

Ya see, my eyes aren't THAT sharp these days...

Rick C
375supermag said:
Even if a pound of Unique were worth a million dollars, it wouldn't be worth your eyesight.

Soo...wear shooting/safety glasses like you should to begin with.

Question for all you guys who are eyeballing this stuff:

What signs do you look for that tell you it's NOT 700-X, 800-X or Herco?

Ya see, my eyes aren't THAT sharp these days...

800-X and Herco burn more slowly than Unique, so if even if you thought it was Unique and loaded ammunition under that assumption and it turned out to be Herco or 800-X, no harm, no foul.

The simple thing to do is treat it initially as a very fast burning powder such as 700-X, Red Dot or Bullseye (which it AIN'T) and load it using the data of one of these powders. So loaded it'd be easy, with a chronograph, to tell whether or not it is Unique.

Or if you're the cautious or worry-wart type, throw it out or give it away.

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