single six mag cylinder

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Jun 15, 2006
Vancouver WA USA
When did Ruger start using non-fluted WMR cylinders in the single six? I have seen picture of a New Model with both cylinders and both were fluted but I have never seen a non-fluted Mag cylinder on an Old Model as original. I am wondering because I have a fluted magnum cylinder and thought it was for an OM, but now I am not sure.. Is there anyway to tell the difference?
Ruger used the fluted, sans firing pin groove .22 magnum cylinders from '59 up until late '75 or so. Then the mag cylinders lost the flutes and got the rollmarkings on the outer surface of the cylinder.

thanks Flatgate, Is there an exact date when the switch from OM to NM happened or did it just sort of happen over a few years?
I guess I should have asked if there was a transition period where NM single six's had fluted Magnum cylinders like the OM did. I guess it would be safe to say if it is an unfluted Mag cylinder it came from a NM.
I seem to recall if you did the math and checked on Chads notes in the RENE ,the switch came some time in the 64 prefix numbered new models of the Super Single chad would have a better, more "exact" date/time ( other than 2:00 pm Tuesday, though that may have been pretty close........) 8)
For the blue NM Single-Sixes it happened in late 1975. For stainless it was mid-1976 during Liberty production....of course all occurring 2 to 3 years after Ruger dropped the Old Model.
chet15":idqhd2dz said:
For the blue NM Single-Sixes it happened in late 1975. For stainless it was mid-1976 during Liberty production....of course all occurring 2 to 3 years after Ruger dropped the Old Model.

Chad is correct as usually he is. The 200th year Blue guns will have non-fluted Mag. cylinders only. The 200th Yr. Stainless Steel guns will come both ways, except for the Rare 4 5/8 in. bl. Stainless. Which will only have the Fluted Mag. cylinder. I think I am right on this. Does anyone have a 200th Yr. 4 5/8 in. bl. Stainless Steel gun with the non-fluted Mag. cylinder???

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