3 3leggeddog Single-Sixer Joined Aug 3, 2009 Messages 267 Location Michigan Aug 30, 2009 #1 I think I'd like to try a 1 dot rear sight [heine type] . Anyone know of some for the SR9 ????
J Jeff H Bearcat Joined Jul 9, 2009 Messages 60 Location Cincinnati, OH Aug 30, 2009 #2 did you ask Heine if they made one?!? But you will loose the adjust-ability of the stock sights. My 1911 has Heine sights, and while they are just fine, the 3 dot sights are just as good. IMHO
did you ask Heine if they made one?!? But you will loose the adjust-ability of the stock sights. My 1911 has Heine sights, and while they are just fine, the 3 dot sights are just as good. IMHO