Question about who is responsible for stolen car accident?

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Jan 2, 2005
Northern Illinois
I'd guess this depends on state laws and circumstances.
And if you leave your keys in the car …. Well …. No sympathy here.

Hard to believe that in this day and age anyone leaves the keys in the car, even if garaged. I guess growing up in Brooklyn, NY made me leery of EVER leaving keys around. If I go for gas, and need to go into the store at the gas station, the engine is off and the keys in my pocket. About the only time I might exit my car and leave the keys there with the engine running is when stopped in my driveway and I get out to get the mail out of the mailbox. When I go away for an overnight or longer, the keys to my other vehicles (cars and motorcycles) go into my safe so that if my home were broken into I have not made it easy for the thief to have any of my vehicles for a getaway.


Oct 15, 2023
If someone stole your car and got into an accident and hurt others, who would be responsible for the expenses, medical bills etc.?
Apparently, your boss doesn't know you can't be taken out of state without an extradition hearing.

Trials are not required is the arrestee waives extradition. Some choose not to spend money on the costs of that type of legal fight which may end with a loss and being incarcerated during the legal/court process. Sometimes it is just cheaper and quicker not to exercise rights.
Mar 8, 2004
Illinois - but I'm an Ohio Buckeye
Cook County Illinois; My boss left his car at the dealer for service. Tech took it out for a "Test Drive", ran a red and hit someone. It was not long after that he received a summons that he was included in a suit started by the person hit by the tech. The Lawyers reasoning; He held responsibility because if he had not taken his car for service the tech would not have been driving it. It got dropped but not before a bit of hassle.


Jun 15, 2023
California...years ago.....parent's car was stolen from in front of a business. Was reported stolen to local police....who forgot to put out a stolen vehicle alert to neighboring was used in a robbery in a neigboring city.....license plate was noted.....neigboring city police traces plates to my parents home where I am having dinner with them.......I am driving to my apartment and am surrounded by police cars (in front of my parish church) and ordered out of car with shotguns pointed at me......taken to neighboring police station to be interrogated....after much discussion, I overhear the police remarking I do not match the description of the perp. I am wearing glasses (with a heavy correction:geek:) and am taller then the perp.......they finally say I can go......I point out I am a city away from my vehicle......they drive me back to it continuing to try to catch me making a false statement......finally get to my vehicle which has been tossed (looking for a weapon and or stolen goods........Long story short my folks' stolen vehicle is found several days later...police dust for fingerprints (a very messy business at the time) and notify the police will not pay for cleaning, they are not held resposible for the robbery.

The 'funny' part is that the next day I was reporting for induction into the USAF and an arrest would have prevented it. Happily I was "only detained".:geek::geek::geek: