Price ck on Browning Hi Power

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Jul 1, 2008
Anchorage, Alaska
Belgium made, fixed sights and slide has about 30% bluing rubbed off..gun is sound..buddy wants me to sell it for him, but I can't come up with a price...any thoughts or suggestions.?
I have a thought, why can't your buddy sell it?

If this guy is a good friend, he would want you to get the best money that you can get, that best money will probably make you look like the money grubber and not him. I only say this for two reasons, one is most Hi Power owners think the gun is worth much more than it really is.

...and two is, a friend selling someone else's gun brings a lot of suspicion on that gun's history and legality.
Cheesewhiz said:
skip said:
Quite the imagination you got there , not to mention the assumptions...

Walk into a gun store and tell them that story and see what they say.

Hey buddy, my friend has this gun here and............................................... :mrgreen:
Have I logged on to the twilight zone....or are you guys just bored out of your skull..? I asked a fairly simple question..I'm thinkin the gun is worth about $400..any other quotes?
I'd think you'd sell it in a heartbeat for $400 .... I might start at $450 or $475, and hope to get lucky .... You can always negotiate down to $400 if you need it gone fast.

LOL ....hey Cheese .... Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed buddy ? :D

I've sold several guns right here for friends, always stating so, and always having the check or MO made out to them, shipped by them via an FFL, etc, etc. as long as the deal ultimately goes thru the current owner, I see no issues with a friend facilitating the deal.

Oops, just saw the bluing issue .... I'd say start at $425, and settle somewhere around $350-375 .... If its badly pitted, scratched, or rusted, $300. If its just honest bluing wear from use or holster wear .... Some people, including myself, don't mind that at all, although I would beat you down a little for it. To me ... That just shows it was a damn reliable gun that got used/carried a lot .... Not an issue for me at all.

Hope this helps. Just my gut feel ... I'm not a dealer.

revhigh said:
LOL ....hey Cheese .... Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed buddy ? :D

I've sold several guns right here for friends, always stating so, and always having the check or MO made out to them, shipped by them via an FFL, etc, etc. as long as the deal ultimately goes thru the current owner, I see no issues with a friend facilitating the deal.


The OP said "buddy wants me to sell it for him", not that he wants him to help him sell it but to sell it. Facilitating a transaction is one thing, the OP mentioned nothing in that vane. A gun transaction is serious business no matter what state that you live in. I remember two that went down in Texas when I was stationed at Ft Hood that turned real bad, real quick. One was a stolen gun brought back by a soldier on leave, he didn't know it was stolen, that didn't matter much when the feds got involved and another was a soldier selling a gun to one of my guys that he stole from an officer's quarters, that one ended in guns to the head and a not soon to be ex-soldier sitting on his butt in Leavenworth as a E-1 for a very long time.
I know how LGS' treat a deal like this because they take this stuff very seriously. If the OP was just on a fishing expedition, he should be told to go to the classifieds with that stuff.
Cheesewhiz said:
revhigh said:
LOL ....hey Cheese .... Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed buddy ? :D

I've sold several guns right here for friends, always stating so, and always having the check or MO made out to them, shipped by them via an FFL, etc, etc. as long as the deal ultimately goes thru the current owner, I see no issues with a friend facilitating the deal.


The OP said "buddy wants me to sell it for him", not that he wants him to help him sell it but to sell it. Facilitating a transaction is one thing, the OP mentioned nothing in that vane. A gun transaction is serious business no matter what state that you live in. I remember two that went down in Texas when I was stationed at Ft Hood that turned real bad, real quick. One was a stolen gun brought back by a soldier on leave, he didn't know it was stolen, that didn't matter much when the feds got involved and another was a soldier selling a gun to one of my guys that he stole from an officer's quarters, that one ended in guns to the head and a not soon to be ex-soldier sitting on his butt in Leavenworth as a E-1 for a very long time.
I know how LGS' treat a deal like this because they take this stuff very seriously. If the OP was just on a fishing expedition, he should be told to go to the classifieds with that stuff.

I hear ya bro... No disrespect intended ... You know that .. We're cool. :D

Cheesewhiz said:
revhigh said:
LOL ....hey Cheese .... Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed buddy ? :D

I've sold several guns right here for friends, always stating so, and always having the check or MO made out to them, shipped by them via an FFL, etc, etc. as long as the deal ultimately goes thru the current owner, I see no issues with a friend facilitating the deal.


The OP said "buddy wants me to sell it for him", not that he wants him to help him sell it but to sell it. Facilitating a transaction is one thing, the OP mentioned nothing in that vane. A gun transaction is serious business no matter what state that you live in. I remember two that went down in Texas when I was stationed at Ft Hood that turned real bad, real quick. One was a stolen gun brought back by a soldier on leave, he didn't know it was stolen, that didn't matter much when the feds got involved and another was a soldier selling a gun to one of my guys that he stole from an officer's quarters, that one ended in guns to the head and a not soon to be ex-soldier sitting on his butt in Leavenworth as a E-1 for a very long time.
I know how LGS' treat a deal like this because they take this stuff very seriously. If the OP was just on a fishing expedition, he should be told to go to the classifieds with that stuff.

I'm not sure where to start with this, but for sheer entertainment ..I don't plan on going into a gun shop to sell anything..I'm selling 4 guns for a friend that came by them through a death in the Family, he has no knowledge of firearms..I will sell them face to face in my home town...I thought I could get a couple of simple answers to a simple question...Once again ----------- has projected his own special reality into the post....It's a public forum and it takes all kinds............................
When I first saw this now thread, I thought it was a fishing expedition, it may still be, I don't like fishing in this area of the forum. If the OP wanted some advice he could have done that by a PM to a Mod or possibly a post in the Lounge. He also could go online and get a good idea of worth for this Hi Power from Gunbroker. Selling a gun for the best price should be not looked at as an easy thing, trying to sell four separate ones for his friend looking out for his friends interest will become a job at some point unless he has a good deal of past experience, which does not appear to be the case here.

Fairly recently, in reverse dog years, I facilitated an estate sale of seven guns in a way. A WWII and Korean war vet passed and his wife, almost 90, wanted to sell his seven guns. A friend of mine asked me to get involved and I did, I have a good relationship with several LGS' but one helps me on transactions better than the others. I arranged a consignment for these guns, two of which turned out to be quite collectable military curios. This LGS, with the probability my support I have given them in the pass, took about 10% off the consignment of the final sales but got top dollar for those two collectables. I have no idea how much this lady received, I didn't want to know, but it was a large amount. She only had to sign for the final transaction for all sold and her nice neighbor took care of a phone not being answered a couple of times.
id go with $400 being a shoot for price, starting a little higher. seems reasonable. you can get these 9mm`s around here for around that used. pachmeyer grips probubly dont add to the value. im guessing its not real old. vintage models would be worth more im shure. i dont think theres a problem helping a friend or relative sell a gun especially if you have some experience with buying and selling. i dont think trying to make this sound suspicious is the right way to go with this. if that is the case maybe we need to sit on the side of pelosi reed and obama on this?
Thnx guys for the info...I looked on Guns America and couldn't find anything to compare it with for pricing...The gun has a few issues, bluing and a little rust on the I'm thinkin around $300 and will start at maybe $350 or so....
Sounds about right ... Only you know the true extent of the damage.

wow, the "forever skeptics" are out there...yes, the gun is worth every penny of at least $400 only thing wrong is the "missing finish" (wear) and them rubber grips (though some guys who shoot a lot do like them) make sure you take them off from time to time to make sure the gun is NOT "rusting" up under them rubber depending on the "bore", and just how good it shoots, the market will treat you "right" on one of these true "classics", the Browning Hi Power, about the ONLY 9mm I ever ever cared for....( nah, we liked the original S&W mod 39 too )
I'd give you 300 -350 in a heartbeat........................... :wink:
When I saw this post, my first thought was $450. Even with the blueing loss and rubber grips, as long as it's a good shooter, somebody will want it. I think it would go quickly at $400.
mohavesam said:
I think I'd pull out $450 in a NY minute if it cycles and shoots.

If it was my gun .... I'd be expecting a check from you ..... :D

rugerguy said:
wow, the "forever skeptics" are out there...yes, the gun is worth every penny of at least $400 only thing wrong is the "missing finish" (wear) and them rubber grips (though some guys who shoot a lot do like them) make sure you take them off from time to time to make sure the gun is NOT "rusting" up under them rubber depending on the "bore", and just how good it shoots, the market will treat you "right" on one of these true "classics", the Browning Hi Power, about the ONLY 9mm I ever ever cared for....( nah, we liked the original S&W mod 39 too )
I'd give you 300 -350 in a heartbeat........................... :wink:

Out of curiosity .... if the gun is worth 'every penny of AT LEAST $400' .... how come your offer is $300 ?

Its real easy to give someone unrealistic numbers when the money's not coming out of your pocket.

We've had an offer of $450 ... that should seal the deal I'd think.

"Out of curiosity .... if the gun is worth 'every penny of AT LEAST $400' .... how come your offer is $300 ?"

Cuz if the person would accept the low offer, why not????

Would I take a nice '65 Mustang for $2500?? Sure 'nuf, my friend. Yeah, I know it's "worth" more, but . . .


:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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