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I've got an OM Single Six, serial # 367649, which, according to Ruger's web site, makes it a 1967 Magnum Model, if I'm reading it right. But my Single Six only has a 22LR cylinder. Was this particular gun sent from the factory with a 22Mag cylinder only? If so, I'm guessing the original owner sent it back to have a 22LR cylinder fitted, and then lost the 22Mag cylinder before selling it to me.
I should be okay shooting magnums out of this gun if I'm able to find a 22Mag cylinder that fits right, don't you think?
Thoughts and info appreciated...
I've got an OM Single Six, serial # 367649, which, according to Ruger's web site, makes it a 1967 Magnum Model, if I'm reading it right. But my Single Six only has a 22LR cylinder. Was this particular gun sent from the factory with a 22Mag cylinder only? If so, I'm guessing the original owner sent it back to have a 22LR cylinder fitted, and then lost the 22Mag cylinder before selling it to me.
I should be okay shooting magnums out of this gun if I'm able to find a 22Mag cylinder that fits right, don't you think?
Thoughts and info appreciated...