Nevada Again Honors Nebraska, South Carolina and Virginia

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Gary Slider

Nov 23, 2007
West Virgiinia
Nevada has just added the above listed states back on their list of states they honor. They never tell anyone but just add to the list. The list still states Effective July 1, 2021 but look at the link when you go to the listing and you will see it states in the link Modified 28 Mar 2022. That is why I use the link below to reach their reciprocity listing as that is the only way you can see their latest edition and also the reason I check it about every day! Nevada has been adding and subtracting states from their listing for years. https/ will be updated with this new information later this evening or early tomorrow.
yep, that is one confusing state.... I go out to Nevada and train at Front Sight about once a year (missed two years due to my health and then the Covid thing). last time I went back in 2018 I could carry concealed and then this past year (Dec) it seems I had to open carry.....
Nevada recognizes Illinois which isn't always the case as Illinois grants zero reciprocity to other stats in cc.

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