Mark I safety non engagement problem

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Howdy All,

1. New to the forum, but my first pistol was a Ruger MkI, 5.5" bull bought at a Coast to Coast store in 1980. I love it, have shot thousands of rounds through it, and .....

2. Currently have a problem with the safety button not pushing up into place. It won't hold the bolt back either naturally - that's how I discovered it wasn't functioning.

3. A little more background: just before this discovery, the firing pin return spring broke after all these years and Brownell's squared me away in no time with a new one - Go Brownell's!--. I got it back together, the pin in the bolt doesn't fall out any more, but now this safety thing- Grrrr.

4. The safety goes all the way up into position(ball into detent) with the receiver separate from the barrel assembly. But not when assembled.

------OH MY------ I guess that's why I went downstairs one more time to try the combinations of receivers, and bolts. More background - I recently got a second MkII - and was trying to disassemble and assemble the newest acquistion just after I fixed the broken spring from the MkI. So, today as I was disassembling the MkI and a MkII to try to narrow the problem- both the bolts looked the same and did not work. So just after #4, I went down, got all three, laid out and took apart and---DUH, the MkI bolt was in the other MkII. Pretty flaming obvious!

5. I feel kinda foolish airing this on the forum as a first post from an old Ruger enthusiast - but facts is facts. Operator Error - taking more than one gun apart at the same time. Lesson Learned.

Hey, we resemble that remark...happens ALL too often, and then guys wonder "why" are there 'numbers' on the parts of their guns.........
try having 20-30 guns around you are working on ,all at the same time....let alone when we trained at the factory for a couple of gun companies (Smith,High Standard, and Dan Wesson....) and there were HUNDREDS and they were all the same...... :shock:

at least you did a "comparison" and found out for YOURSELF, and didn't have to Pay or send it ut to get "serviced"...thats when it hurts and becomes a bit "embarrassing".... :wink:

ML27, welcome to the Forum, glad to have you on board........
ML27 wrote
5. I feel kinda foolish airing this on the forum as a first post from an old Ruger enthusiast - but facts is facts. Operator Error - taking more than one gun apart at the same time. Lesson Learned.

Hey ML27 welcome to the forum. You shouldn't feel too bad. At least you found the problem. I know for a fact there are people here who have made worse mistakes. Also your post just might help someone down the line who does the same thing :)

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