Elmer Keith Museum

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Jeff Hoover

Feb 25, 2009
This was one of the highlights of my trip to Idaho. Being a devout Elmer fan, I was in total awe. Enjoy !















Pretty impressive ! Elmer was one heck of a Man ! If you look closely, no safe queens here !
Thanks for sharing those fantastic pictures.....
I have this one of Elmer taken around 1970-71

Wonder if the S&W revolver in his hand is the same one in the museum?
We were talking at the museum, and wondered how funny it would be to list these photos on Gunbroker. Think anyone would respond ? :D
My wife and I visited there a few years back. It was a great place. I have many of the same pictures. Thanks for posting them.
I was wondering if double rifle was Jim Corbett's who killed so many maneater BIG CAT's in India :shock: read readers digest collection of some of Corbett's hunting feats :!: :!: knew Keith had his rifle from 1930's :)
americal, you are absolutely, 100 percent correct about Jim Corbett's rifle. It's why I snapped that photo. I remember reading Elmer was always getting offers for it, but always declined them. It was one of his most prized possesions.
As I recall, there was a stainless redhawk, .44 mag, w/ 7 1/2" barrel in the case. I don't know why I didn't snap a picture of it ?
feathers73":2ktl8yio said:
Did he have any Rugers?

Yes, indeed Elmer had some Rugers. He received many s/n 15 guns directly from the Factory. In addition to that he received several "prototypes" which were sent to him for his personal "testing".

Many of those guns have seemingly disappeared and haven't shown up at all.

Here's his s/n 15 Single-Six. Elmer didn't like the flat loading gate so he had the Gun Re-Blu Company make him a round gate...

He also had the curved trigger straightened.

This image shows, what many of us believe, to be Elmer with a OM .41 mag fitted with a brass grip frame...

Besides receiving the "first" prototype Super Blackhawk he also received an example of the "second iteration" of the design, the very gun used in Ruger's early advertising for the Super Blackhawk.

Elmer's Super is shown in the above Factory Flyer. That gun has not, to the best of my knowledge, shown up.....

I'm sure there are many more Rugers but have no idea what/where, etc.

Great pics. I don't think that 29 was made in the mid-50's though. Come to think of it, he also had a five screw pre29. Must be what they meant.
targetshootr, I agree, some of the "descriptive cards" are totally out to lunch.....

Oh, well......at least the stuff is THERE for us to see!

Great photos! I have a question though. Is the "Elmer Keith" in the chair audio animatronic? I see in the first photo that he's facing away from the desk but in a later picture, he's facing the typewriter. Does he talk? What does he say?

Someday, I'd like to go there myself. It's a very impressive display.

Thanks for posting the photos.
mm6mm6, great observation. Elmer does indeed turn around and start to talk. You push a button, he sits up, and starts talking about his 600 yard shot, and other stories. It's a pretty good talk. I was amazed at how long it was. contender had to hot wire him, to get him started. I think some of the Cabela's employee's tried to disable him, as they probably get tired of hearing Elmer all day long.

This was one of the highlights of the trip for the others and me. It's well worth the trip. Just to show how bad we all wanted it, contender and Sam, after 39hrs. driving, Glenn after 17 hrs. driving, and me, about 8 hrs. of flying and lay over, were all too happy to jump in the car, and make the 5 1/2 hr. one way trip, to Boise, to meet Elmer.


Here's a tired, but happy group. Left to right, me, looking like I'm trying to shoplift a ham under my shirt, Sam, contender, Dick, and Glenn.
Yep, it was well worth the drive to "meet" Elmer. The guns on display are some of the ones we've all heard about, along with many that may not be as well known. But they were all worth seeing. Miss Penny was jealous of the polar bear rugs,,,,!
Jeff Hoover":2qhh8m1p said:
I think some of the Cabela's employee's tried to disable him, as they probably get tired of hearing Elmer all day long.

Nice story about the Cabela's employee but look who got caught .....


What???Did you say something????I'm just standing here admiring the view........

Glenn, that's really a picture of me trying to de-activate the alarm system, so we can grab some really good souvenirs. :lol:

I don't think anyone has noticed yet, that you swapped hats with Elmer :wink: .
There is no way I could fill his hat sir, you know that for sure now that you've spent a week with me. I tried to fix that thing one time and it shocked the crap out of me but it started working. Maybe I have a new career in store for me if things get bad :)