Cleaning a 10/22 Carbine

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Sep 5, 2012
Akron-Canton, Ohio
Someone I know is letting me borrow there 10/22 to see if I like it. However, they usually keep it out in the open, and they do a lot of woodworking, so it's pretty covered in fine wood dust particles, and the barrel is a little rusted on the outside (not too concerned about this right now, but I'm also afraid the inside might be as well).

My question is:
1.) Should I remove the bolt from the receiver to clean inside that as well, or should it be ok? I'm not sure real comfortable dissembling and trying to reassemble that, especially since it's not mine.
2.) What would be an average expected price if I looked around to have this done by a professional gunsmith?

It's one of the simplest models out there to take down to the point necessary for a basic cleaning.
Its NOT your gun to clean, and unless the owner gives you permission to do so, I'd not clean it. Wiping down the wood with a clean, dry shop cloth is one thing. But leave the action and barrel alone.

Rugers are very reliable. I'm sure it'll shoot just fine! not clean a firearm without the owners permission...he or she will say Yes or No..go from there.

10/22 and most Ruger firearms are not that difficult to clean/maintain.

This 10/22, as you have described it, does not seem to be well cared for. If you are thinking of buying it the price should reflect its as is condition....L O W E R.

I clean my 10/22's barrels with a PatchWorm [weedwhacker line pull through] and use a toothbrush on the accessible action area...seldom detail strip..and then usually when installing an after-market upgrade..and the re-lube with Elmer's Slide-All - a telfon based dry lubricant I've used for years.

I also make a chamber brush by bending a 90 degree on a .22LR brass brush..and plunge several times before running the PatchWorm through [from chamber end, of course].

If you wind up with a .22LR, visit of good information on all things rimfire but 10/22 in particular.

I do have permission. He told me it probably needed a good cleaning. I also have a hard time seeing the front sight, so I may shoot this to see if I like it but buy a new one.

Have to see.
Bruiser said:
I do have permission. He told me it probably needed a good cleaning. I also have a hard time seeing the front sight, so I may shoot this to see if I like it but buy a new one.

Have to see.

In that case.... carry on!