Brand new P95 ejctor damage?

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Nov 12, 2009
Hi all, just got my brand new P95. Having some issues tho.

bought 100 rounds of 115gr magtech ammo. had several failures to feed and or eject, at least 3/4 per mag, usually more. Sometimes the spent casing would stay in the barrel other times the next round would jam half mounted into the barrel.

I cleaned all the grease out of the gun when i got it before firing, but the gun will also do the same thing if i just try and rack the slide back and cycle ammo through it that way.

The ejector has some damage. It looks like it has been filed down on the rear left hand side, as if by wear, but WAY to much for under 100 rounds. This happend with both new ruger mags. I havn't tried other ammo yet but the wear on the ejector cant be good.

Any help is greatly appreciated.



I am sitting here looking at my ejector on my P95,It shows some slight wear on the side of ejector were it curves downward but nothing close to the wear on your ejector.And shows no wear on top of ejector like yours.My P95 has 350rds through it and never had a failure of any kind.

I don't think using magtech ammo has anything to do with your excessive ejector wear.But your P95 may not like magtech.As you probaly know semi autos are quirky about certain brands of ammo sometimes.

Also check the hammer pivot pin on right side back of frame to make sure it is flush with frame.Sometimes it can walk itself out a little causing the ejector to slightly pivot especially if you have dry fired your P95.But usually the mag is hard to insert when this happens but its good to check occasionally.It is located right behind were your thumb is in first picture except on the other side of frame.

1st thing i would do is try some different ammo.And even if gun functions correctly i would still call Ruger and address your ejector wear issue.They have great customer service from my experience with them.If you have to send it back to them they will get it right.And probably pay for shipping also.
Sounds similar to the problems I had with my p95. Try some different ammo and see if that will help and if not, give Ruger a call.
Don't be stupid like I was and spend eight months trying to fix it yourself!
Give ruger a call and let them do the fix. :wink

yyou will have a really a nice gun when you get all the bugs out. 8)
Thanks for the advise. I read on rugers website that dry firing all P series pistols is fine and advised to get used to the trigger action. That said i have dry fired it, but having only put 85 rounds through and dry firing it maybe 30 times at MOST this cant be normal.

Should the gun still work correctly with the ejector worn like that? Ill keep an eye on it and check it after another 50/100 rounds of different AMERICAN ammo.

Magtech is Brazilian and was the only stuff in town - we got the last 2 boxes and you know i had to use my new gun!
Send that picture to Ruger. I don't think the ejector should look like that at all.

I've found that Magtech is good ammo. I agree it's unlikely ammo that caused the damage. Ammo could, however, be the reason for feeding and ejection issues. Possibly light powder charges in that batch.

That's a real good pic ... I'd email it to Ruger and see what they say. Maybe they'll just send you a new part if it's 'user replaceable'. They should know just by seeing that pic what's wrong, and it will probably require a trip back to the mothership.

Be sure you ask for a pre-paid mailing sticker so you don't have to foot the bill for shipping your new gun back, if it comes to that.

Does Ruger have e-mail now? I know in the past they did not and didn't want people to e-mail them customer service issues.
don't know if it's your problem or not but I agree the ejector should not look like that.... both of mine that I just looked at are perfectly flat and squared off... with no wear at all.

but it sounds to me more like the extractor than the ejector.
I just tore mine down and it has no wear of any kind of the ejector and has been shot so many rounds I have stopped counting.

I would definitely get the ejector replaced on a new gun if it looks like that one does.


Banjo I just looked at my p95 ejector and it looks nothing like that, a tiny little bit of wear but nothing like yours. That said Im having the exact same problems with jamming and ive shot 50 rounds of independence ammo and 50 rounds of federal ammo.
Being new to this whole thing this may be the dumbest statement ever but my barrel seems a little loose. It looks to me like when the new round is about to go into the chamber it moves a little bit and gets stuck. Does this make any sense at all?
I looks to me that its user error. IMHO non Americans shootin non American ammo doesnt mix well with American made guns. Maybe you should have went with a Luger but thats just me lmao!!! J/K But yeah these people that have posted so far seem right and I'm going to have to agree with them. Test the ammo first, then call Ruger and ask WTF about the extractor. You never know, they may hire you as their CEO...

P.S. Thats a nice gun and it fired amazing when it wanted to lmao!!!
Mr. banjo,

as I look back at your original post, if you left out the part about it not extracting a round when you hand rack the slide... I would say limp wristing.... but I will still stick with the extractor as the problem...

even though you might want to try shooting some rounds with the the gun and your hands locked down on a rest of some kind just to see.

I always though limp wristing was a myth until I tired a friends glock.
Ill try some ammo over thanksgiving holiday and see what happens. If it still acts up with a different bunch of people firing it & different ammo, ill call ruger.

Also when i rack the slide with the safety on, somtimes it wont slide fully forward. It will 'stick' just shy of its normal position and the hammer remains back, i can give it a little push and it will return to its normal position and the hammer will snap to its decocked position. or take the safety off and it will finish moving forward that last bit.

I have to pull the slide back, and let it slap down and it usually works. (This isnt a problem and is the desired technique im sure) but my wife has trouble with it happening to her, and it has happened to me once or twice.

Anyone else notice any quirks like this when there guns were new?
That is not normal. I looked at my P95 that has at least 1200 rounds through it and it has no wear of any kind there. Yours looks like it was put to a grinding wheel. It looks thin there too. I would replace it.
Mr_banjo2":2drit7a1 said:
Also when i rack the slide with the safety on, somtimes it wont slide fully forward. It will 'stick' just shy of its normal position and the hammer remains back, i can give it a little push and it will return to its normal position and the hammer will snap to its decocked position. or take the safety off and it will finish moving forward that last bit.

Anyone else notice any quirks like this when there guns were new?

Mine also does this and its brand new showed it to one of my cop buddies and he told me his did it and his wifes did it he said its normal and not to worry about it. He told me when it does it click the safety off and put it back on and it will go into its normal position.
Thats good to know, thanks jBender.

I put another 150rnds of PMC through the gun and am happy to report for me and my father in law it was pretty much flawless - (1 fail to eject when i was shooting one handed but i can chalk that up to limp wrists lol)

My wife and her young brother however did have lots of issues, that leads me to believe it is either sensitive to limp wristing (More so that other guns as she dosnt have these problems shooting a Kahr .45 or ruger p345.) OR it simply requires a bit more breaking in before it works for her.

The ejector wear on the orignal pics did not change after another 150rnds so im reluctant to send it back for repair just yet. Ill put more rounds and see how she does.

Thanks to all who replied and gave input,

I think my next gun maybe a revolver, just so she dosnt having these issues.

Thanks again.
Mr_banjo2":wep6v26i said:
I think my next gun maybe a revolver, just so she dosnt having these issues.

Thanks again.

Eeeermmm.... Story time....

My first gun was a revolver for just that same reason... "it's a revolver" I says. "What could POSSIBLY go wrong :)"...Well, I got that gun, a Taurus M92 .22 LR pistol had to go back to Taurus after the first cylinder. The cylinder would get locked up and wouldnt advance, I thought because the spent shells were backing out of the cylinder just a smidge. Something was borked with the firing pin as that's what they ended up fixing when I eventually got it back some 8 or so weeks later. Don't get me wrong, works great now, but anything with moving parts has a good chance of having issues....

good luck with whichever you end up getting next!
Mine is the same way I had some ejecting issues at first but now it seems better. I still wonder if I should not send it back to Ruger to have it replaced.