22/45 Davidson's excl delivery question, waiting on Ruger

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Feb 2, 2008
My local dealer has me on a list for the 22/45 blued 5.5" bbl Hunter that Davidson's has been distributing. Davidsons is out of stock, and my dealer told me that they (Davidsons) are waiting on 155 of these pistols from Ruger. Is anyone here close enough to the situation so you can give me a rough estimate on my wait time?

It probably won't be too long. But everything depends on where that model sits on Ruger's production priority list.
Got this from Ruger today:
Thank you for using the Ruger On-Line Customer Support Request Form.

This e-mail is in response to your question or comment of 07/31/2009
Request No: 37378

Comment / question:

My dealer has a P512HMKIII on order for me throught Davidson's. He told me they (Davidsons) are waiting on 155 of these pistols. Can you give me any idea when I might expect Ruger to ship these to Davidsons so my dealer can get one from them?

We will be shipping this model pistol to all of our distributors this month. We do ship on a regular basis. Depending on the orders Davidson's has and the order at which they fill them, will determine if your dealer receives one of the MKIII pistols.
I'll think about grips after I get the pistol. I like the Davidson's "exclusive" features of 1) a blued hunter, and 2) a 5.5" bbl.

I wanted an adjustable sight .22, and I didn't want to spoil my fixed sight 1968 Standard 6" tapered bbl, bought new for $60.00 when I turned 21.

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