10/22 see thru rings w/ ruger weaver base sight options???

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Jan 26, 2009
I'm sure others have run into this issue, so I hope there's an answer out there. For the past year I have had see thru rings w/ no base on my 10/22 and have enjoyed the ability to use scope or sights. The only problem is now I want to be able to switch between a red dot (that will end up on my mini, but I want to play w/ first on 10/22) and a scope. So I took off the scope and rings I was using (scope had to be removed from rings to remove rings from rifle), and put the weaver base that came w/ 10/22. The issue is I can no longe see sights over base.

Are there taller sights for 10/22 to make sights viewable w/ base?
There is a see thru base manufactured for the 10/22.I have an extra brand new one in the bag you can have for $15 plus postage.If you want it then PM me.
