Tannerite.....child killed and man loses leg.

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Mar 5, 2015
the Great State of Wide-open (WY)
... the only reason I'm alive today is because besides being really really stupid several times I was also really really lucky.

Ditto. My life may be a great example of what Otto von Bismarck had in mind, when he observed that "God has a special providence for fools, drunkards, and the United States of America."
Mar 5, 2015
the Great State of Wide-open (WY)
There's a boarded up partially burnt house I drive by occasionally. Apparently the guy was making stuff for 4th of July out of C4 and it didn't go as planned. Injured but not killed, as I recall.

Accidents happen - kind of a cliche, but also the unavoidable truth. I used to do professional fireworks shows, helping out a friend who had a pyrotechnician's license. Did that for years, and then during one show it struck me that if anything went wrong, they might find parts of me in the next county over. That was my last show!
Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
Did a pretty big show last year... about 5 grand of very large consumer grade fireworks on a barge we anchor out in the lake..... towed the barge back tot dock while some of the spent casings of the fireworks were still on fire and I an another guy get on the barge to put the fire out and there mixed in with it are a couple of big ones (I'm talking $300 range) that did not go off. I'm suppose to do it again this year and there is going to be a whole new protocol.
Mar 5, 2015
the Great State of Wide-open (WY)
Did a pretty big show last year... about 5 grand of very large consumer grade fireworks on a barge we anchor out in the lake..... towed the barge back tot dock while some of the spent casings of the fireworks were still on fire and I an another guy get on the barge to put the fire out and there mixed in with it are a couple of big ones (I'm talking $300 range) that did not go off. I'm suppose to do it again this year and there is going to be a whole new protocol.

When we moved to New Mexico years ago, we thought for awhile about helping out with the local fireworks shows - the city fire department put them on, we had enough experience to be useful, and my wife is from a family of firefighters. But we read a newspaper article about the upcoming show, that included photos; apparently they set up their mortar tubes on trailers, and loaded the tubes with the trailers inside a building. That didn't look too safe to us - if a lift charge ignited accidentally, the shell would come up out of the tube, hit the ceiling, and come right back down on top of a trailer full of other tubes and shells. And the photos showed wall heaters (with pilot lights?) just a couple of feet away from the shells, which being Chinese-made often leak black powder. We figured we didn't need to be "those new out-of-town folks who think they know everything", and decided not to volunteer.

The newpaper had a followup article right after the Fourth of July - there had been an accident at the show. The fire department had been in the habit of filling a big ol' weather balloon with hydrogen, letting it rise a couple hundred feet on a teather, and detonating it electrically to start the show. That year, the balloon reportedly ignited right after it was filled, blew one of the fire guys right over the hood of his truck, and damaged a bunch of vehicles/equipment. Fortunately the fireman survived, but there was all sorts of trouble, because "weather-balloons-full-of-hydrogen" were apparently not approved/legal for that kind of show. We were glad we weren't involved!

As always IIRC, FWIW, YMMV, IMHO, etc.
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Ruger Guru
Sep 18, 2002
Lake Lure NC USA
Having a bit of military experience with explosives,, I understand why such injuries, deaths, or near misses occur.

I have had a few folks bring Tannerite to my range. I allowed it to be ignited under my supervision. NEVER packed inside anything. And also in smaller quantities.
Nov 30, 2022
When we moved to New Mexico years ago, we thought for awhile about helping out with the local fireworks shows - the city fire department put them on, we had enough experience to be useful, and my wife is from a family of firefighters. But we read a newspaper article about the upcoming show, that included photos; apparently they set up their mortar tubes on trailers, and loaded the tubes with the trailers inside a building.
Oxygen and Acetylene would be way better in the balloon!!!
Dec 25, 2007
Couple years ago, on July 4 some 'boys' set off 20-25 pounds of tannerite. This took place about 15-16 miles from our place but we heard it plainly. Caused quite a ruckus and upset a LOT of local residents who complained loudly. County Sheriff 'had a talk' with these guys and the incident hasn't been repeated.
I'm not making any judgements about the prudence of the explosion or the response from the Sheriff.