188 years ago at a dusty Spanish mission in San Antonio de Bexar

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Jan 2, 2005
Northern Illinois
The siege of the Alamo was well underway on this date in 1836. The 180 men defending the old mission knew that they had no chance of beating the 4,000 man Mexican force that surrounded them, and they had already been told that they were would given no quarter. Yet they all stayed. These were very special men, Anglos and Latinos alike, whose sense of honor was of greater importance than preserving their own lives.

Some might say that their deaths were in vain, but the time taken by Santa Ana to take the Alamo was precious time for Gen. Sam Houston in preparing for decisive battles to secure Texas independence. And the deaths of the martyrs of the Alamo inspired the Texans to ultimately prevail at San Jacinto, near present day Houston, with Mexico never again posing a real threat to a free and independent Texas.

I have been to the Alamo many, many times. I am never not inspired by my visits and in awe of the bravery of those 180 lost souls. They must never be forgotten. We must all "remember the Alamo", and "remember Goliad" and vow to never again let tyranny prevail.


Apr 3, 2012
It's too bad more of Mexico didn't declare their independence, and become states.

I hope those brave men at the Alamo found the peace. They so richly deserve.
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Jan 11, 2008
big lake alaska
That's was 180 of the bravest men of our times, regardless Sam Houston could have prevented this loss, his repeated hesitation to advance to the fort to rescue / or engage the Mexicans was based on his decision of resupplying of men and suppys. this hesitation cost the Alamo and the brave men there lives. moral of the story rings true today and it should have been then. you go to war with the army you have, not the army you want. Yes Sir! remember the Alamo!