You old people

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May 10, 2022
Peters Colony, Republica de Tejas
The real value I place on relationships with doctors, dentists, accountants and attorneys comes from their experience gained from serving me for many years. Such service history provides vital insight into my needs and wellbeing and consequently, I believe, improves the quality of their advice. [I'm a retired CPA, so I know this to be true in my profession.]

My dentist, about 10 years younger than me, once asked me why I didn't refer my son and daughter to his practice. I replied, "Rob, I value a professional who will still be competent and practicing when I reach the age where I REALLY need them." He didn't like my answer, but had to live with it.

Well, he dropped dead of a heart attack 3 years ago. Sure enough I've had to shop for a new dentist and start all over again.
Jan 2, 2005
Northern Illinois
When I was a young adult my Dad told me that I will know when I am getting middle aged when I start to think that the cops, school teachers and doctors are all kids. Even before that I was told that you will know you are middle aged when you start to look twice at your friend's daughters or your daughter's friends. I'm way past both of those measures now at almost 81.

One of the advantages of seeing a younger doctor, or vet, is that they are more likely to be up to date on the newer techniques and treatments than is an older vet or doc who is not as diligent in keeping up to date as they should be. But I agree it is disheartening when, as happened to me a few years back, my internist of 25 years and my dentist of 25 years both retired and I was faced with finding new ones.

And while I may be old, I do not foolishly ignore modern things that can make my life better. I use a smart phone every day, as well as a modern laptop computer, I wear an Apple watch (which is pretty amazing) and have electronic fuel injected cars and motorcycles. And while some here would be aghast, I have confidence in my "plastic", striker fired guns and don't feel compelled to carry a heavy 100 year old 1911 on my belt.


Jun 26, 2003
Thinking about what it's like being old in our world ?
Why not compare the "lyrics" or popular songs (say, 1950's to early 60') to today's popular "songs"...?
Bing Crosby: Blue Skies; Stormy Weather etc etc
Loretta Lynn: Don't Come Home Drinkin' (with lovin on your mind)... maybe a bit on the risque side back then :) If you are really old, you can't discern today's "lyrics"; I feel blessed.
A question for those who're ageing: "Would you choose to "go back" and relive the young years, or continue on as you are?".
Being old is wonderful in my opinion, I can embrace, or avoid, whatever I choose while still living a full and very peaceful life.

Mar 29, 2017
Someone beat me to it but, I will repeat that statement. Learning how to do one's job correctly is not finished at graduation. That profession like many is a career long learning newer and different skills. Hopefully the love for animals does not go away during their career.

Jack Ryan

Aug 21, 2012
I guess I'm mostly curious how vet school has changed since then? Or what it was like back then.

He's a good vet for sure. There used to be another vet at this office as well, around my age.

But he had to quit. They told me it was because he couldn't handle all the old dogs he had to put to sleep.

I guess that happens to lots of vets from what they said.
People have no compassion any more. They just like to PRETEND they do. Soon as that animal they called a part of their family, "like a child, I'm a doggy momma/pappa", is not a convenient any more it is off to the rain bow bridge to get a vet to do their own dirty work for them.

Jack Ryan

Aug 21, 2012
There's an old quote from a 19th century French novelist: "The more things change, the more they stay the same." Case in point being the young folks who apparently learned everything they know on X/Twitter/TikTok/whatever - if they hear anything that conflicts with their immense experience & encyclopedic knowledge, they automatically respond, "Ok boomer." Makes me laugh like h€ll, because these geniuses don't realize they're just regurgitating that old boomer/Jack Weinberg saying, "Don't trust anyone over 30" (which is just as idiotic today as it was 60 years ago).

As always FWIW, IMHO, YMMV, etc., etc.
People like to think the whole world started over the day they were born, even if it was yesterday. Truth is NOTHING NEW has really been invented in a100 years. Like moving the drawers around in a kitchen, they just jumble the dictionary renaming stuff, remaking the same old movies. Facists are now Antifa, Black Panters are now BLM, commies are Democrats... sick is a pandemic, opression if slowing the curve, good is sick. People who couldn't sign their own name in cursive are explaining to me how to RUN their guns.

What ever, just keep it all off my lawn and we'll be fine.


Feb 22, 2007
Round Rock, Texas
I'm at the vet with my dog. It's all good, just annual shots.

Looking around the room, my vet graduated from vet school when I was 2 years old.

Wonder if he has a smart phone? 😀😀😀
Mine is smart enough for my purposes…



Jan 20, 2017
I guess I'm mostly curious how vet school has changed since then? Or what it was like back then.

He's a good vet for sure. There used to be another vet at this office as well, around my age.

But he had to quit. They told me it was because he couldn't handle all the old dogs he had to put to sleep.

I guess that happens to lots of vets from what they said.
Vet schools have changed a LOT! Today vet schools have got to try and keep the animal rights extremists out of the schools because when they enroll they demand that the schools not teach various operation procedures on live animals and that it be done on computers instead. This results in huge increased costs for the schools in new software -- and worse -- it results in YOUR pet being the first live animal the vet has ever operated on! Do you what your beloved pet to be their first experiment? It also results in many new vets coming out of schools that have an extremist animal rights viewpoint and being hyper critical of how you take care of your pet -- including increased costs for the pet owner because they insist the owner go to heroic and expensive steps to maintain their pets health!


Jun 23, 2012
Badger Lake, WA
I guess I'm mostly curious how vet school has changed since then? Or what it was like back then.

He's a good vet for sure. There used to be another vet at this office as well, around my age.

But he had to quit. They told me it was because he couldn't handle all the old dogs he had to put to sleep.

I guess that happens to lots of vets from what they said.
I wonder what people doctor school must be like these days.

My last two regular docs recently hung up their stethoscopes, and now I have a new guy under 50 years old.

He asked what I did for a living before retirement. I told him and he retorted that he wanted to do that as well, but he was unable to make the grades in school, so he became an MD instead.

Geez! The new docs must be dumb and lazy . . .


Jul 4, 2023
I had one of the first "semi" smart phones. I was able to code in my own ringtone b4 theycould be changed easily.

One that I wrote was the "Darth Vader" theme for my ex wife.

One day after our divorce she called and the ring tone played.
My son who was withe me asked who was calling, I told him mom.

We still chuckle about it when we hear that tune. :)

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