Speed (Combat) reloading

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Dec 4, 2010
GunnyGene said:
Yawn said:
In fact, no one has yet said why facing forward is actually better... but they sure have passionately defended it.

Actually, someone has - Me, in the original post in this thread. :)

"I've tried both, and don't notice much difference, just seems more natural to me with bullets forward."

To explain: "More natural", means easier and faster with less chance of fumbling it. Ie, better for me. You like bullets aft, obviously for the same reasons others like bullets forward. No problem. Personal preference. :)

Exactly... you said it is more natural to you.... the phrase above, "didnt notice much of a difference" lends to the idea that this "more natruralness" is not a significant difference. And now you are saying that more natural to you further means easier and faster for you with less chance of fumbling it. I would say easier and faster for you with less chance of fumbling may not fit into the category of not much difference... that sounds decently significant.

But in the end, you return to your main point of pretty much small personal preference, and that one isnt really "better" than the other, other than personal prefference. Great! But Others have stopped just short of saying right and wrong. I want to know why they are making such a strong claim? Since you didnt espouse the notion of one way being better (other than personal preference) you are not among the people that I am addrssing with my comment of tell me why forward is better... (or as Blume stated and wrongly blamed me (and associated me with some bad company) for editting out) why aft is wrong.


Dec 4, 2010
s4s4u said:
Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but twisting your hand and rotating your hand 180 degrees is pretty much the same thing. I am not saying that this is an awful thing, but there is no need to rotate or twist the hand to adjust tthe oritentstion of the bullets when they are upside down facing aft. Your hand doesnt have to move at all in any secondsry motion different from the arm..., just a clean arm arch forward from upside down to right side up, now presenting the bulkets facing forward.

Sorry, but going from upside down to right side up requires rotation of some kind. Whether forward or sideways it requires rotation. There is no "twist", and there is no need to point the gun at yourself with bullets forward. You like your way and I like mine. I have tried your's and it isn't any more efficient and quite awkward actually. Bullets pointing aft requires twisting the wrist to grasp the magazine, whereas forward doesn't. Different strokes......

Before i dive into that though... notice how your initial set of comments about movement specifically adrress movement of the hand, but now you leave out any specific designation about hand movement in your descirption, other when you wrongly speak of needing to twist the hand when the bullets are aft. I foudn that funny because my point from the very beginning has been bullets aft is what allows the hand to NOT have to move at all.

yes, Some type of body rotation has to happen... the wuestion is whether any hand movement, rotation, twisting, etc has to happen. with bullets facing down and aft, no rotation, twist, and/or movement of the hand has to take place. Thumb forward, fingers aft, palm facing in (the way most people walk and the way most people draw their gun) the hand is already in position with the mag to have the full arm sweep up and meet the mag well in one motion. If you made the same motion with the bullets forward and down, the bullets would come up facing you... so i joked that i would not want the gun to have to face me to inert the mag. So, to make sure that the bullets dont face you in that scenario, you would have to twist (or i will use your word, rotate) the hand, twist or rotate the gun, or initialy grab the mag palm out... which is not how anyone grabs the gun on the other side of their hip... nor is it how their hand naturally rests. So you would have to twist to get your hand into position onto the mag and then twist back to reorient the mag. Why do that?

Look, I Am perfectly fine with someone wantign to train themselves to do it this way. But when people start calling one way wrong (or awkward) and one way right, I would like to know why? Again, i repsect Blumes smart people told me. But smart peple told Mike the other way. So now, i guess we can just listen to our own smart people... or we can find out their reasoning and decide for ourselves... whcih is what I am trying to do. Especially when doing it the way I was speaking of reqires less overall movement. Sidenote: grabbing the mag palm in, mag down and bullets aft also allows for my index finger to easily meet the front of the first round.


Nov 23, 2013
Monroe County, MS
Yawn said:
s4s4u said:
Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but twisting your hand and rotating your hand 180 degrees is pretty much the same thing. I am not saying that this is an awful thing, but there is no need to rotate or twist the hand to adjust tthe oritentstion of the bullets when they are upside down facing aft. Your hand doesnt have to move at all in any secondsry motion different from the arm..., just a clean arm arch forward from upside down to right side up, now presenting the bulkets facing forward.

Sorry, but going from upside down to right side up requires rotation of some kind. Whether forward or sideways it requires rotation. There is no "twist", and there is no need to point the gun at yourself with bullets forward. You like your way and I like mine. I have tried your's and it isn't any more efficient and quite awkward actually. Bullets pointing aft requires twisting the wrist to grasp the magazine, whereas forward doesn't. Different strokes......

Before i dive into that though... notice how your initial set of comments about movement specifically adrress movement of the hand, but now you leave out any specific designation about hand movement in your descirption, other when you wrongly speak of needing to twist the hand when the bullets are aft. I foudn that funny because my point from the very beginning has been bullets aft is what allows the hand to NOT have to move at all.

yes, Some type of body rotation has to happen... the wuestion is whether any hand movement, rotation, twisting, etc has to happen. with bullets facing down and aft, no rotation, twist, and/or movement of the hand has to take place. Thumb forward, fingers aft, palm facing in (the way most people walk and the way most people draw their gun) the hand is already in position with the mag to have the full arm sweep up and meet the mag well in one motion. If you made the same motion with the bullets forward and down, the bullets would come up facing you... so i joked that i would not want the gun to have to face me to inert the mag. So, to make sure that the bullets dont face you in that scenario, you would have to twist (or i will use your word, rotate) the hand, twist or rotate the gun, or initialy grab the mag palm out... which is not how anyone grabs the gun on the other side of their hip... nor is it how their hand naturally rests. So you would have to twist to get your hand into position onto the mag and then twist back to reorient the mag. Why do that?

Look, I Am perfectly fine with someone wantign to train themselves to do it this way. But when people start calling one way wrong (or awkward) and one way right, I would like to know why? Again, i repsect Blumes smart people told me. But smart peple told Mike the other way. So now, i guess we can just listen to our own smart people... or we can find out their reasoning and decide for ourselves... whcih is what I am trying to do. Especially when doing it the way I was speaking of reqires less overall movement. Sidenote: grabbing the mag palm in, mag down and bullets aft also allows for my index finger to easily meet the front of the first round.

Somebody needs to make a video demonstrating both methods in slow motion. Words ain't doing it, and I suspect are causing more confusion than explanations. :) I haven't seen any videos on youtube that show a bullets aft method, so a side by side comparison hasn't been possible. I think it would be helpful.


Nov 23, 2013
Monroe County, MS
SR1911SHOOTER said:
Forward to Gunney,
17 rounds, facing forward. Magazine in my 1911 Hi Cap. No problem.
If I need 17, I need backup!

I agree. Have to be a lot of zombies before I'd carry a couple extra mags regularly, but you never know, which is why I practice occasionally. :wink:

This is how I do this, other folks will obviously do it differently :) 11min video by Shannon Smith.

Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
Yawn, sorry did not mean to bash and I apologize if I came across that way.... this is just a simple debate that is really not very important, I'd only add that how ever you do it do it consistently.

As for carrying an extra magazine.... I think the main reason to is not so much needing that much ammo but in case you have a malfunction....