Another Conundrum. Oh to unseal or leave sealed

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Dec 11, 2002
Ohio , U.S.A.
ah yes ,but back then BEFORE the' Gun Control Act of 1968', this could and did happen, so into the 70's MORE "government control" was hoovering above any and ALL 'ffls', and my guess is that if I recall correctly in the case of the Don Black collection, was he not a party /owner/ partner' of the distributor in Kentucky?? which in that case, as we noted before, the distributors for the most part, ALL the ones I know of and worked with or through, did NOT open ,inspect what was inside, passed it onto the 'FFL' ( dealers) and again, I know of NO "dealer" that did NOT open, check , inspect, just what was shipped to them, as they mainly put the item out for sale in their shops....................back to the first question, I personally would NOT pay any premium or added value till I saw what was there, I do not have the kind of discretionary funds that SO many of the "big dawgs" have , and will not, do not "pay for, or buy , a pig in a poke" ...we are gonna SEE it, Momma didn't raise any "fool".......... :roll:

El Numero Uno

Feb 21, 2006
Pidcoke, Texas, USA
Just to clarify on the 58 SGN ad; they may have been listed, but they (four)were sold from a Gun Digest ad in about 1991-92. The owner was a Mr. Bernkrant, of Southern Gun Distributors(or something like that) in Miami. I talked to him when he returned my $2000 Cashiers Check, telling me that Lynn had beat me by one day! I am thinking he had a bunch of the original #25 Rugers. I do know that he had the No.1.
Back to what I said in the beginning, I do not know of a Ruger No.1 collector who would buy it "as is" for any premium. I also don't think that blue band is "Factory" banding. All the brown boxes I have had had tape on them from the Factory.


Jul 19, 2015
It'd be a real bummer to finally open that box and find a neatly wrapped 2x4 with a steel pipe stuck in the end.......along with a note that reads "gotcha".......... :shock:


Jun 14, 2009
End of the story.
The owners wife asked me to sell the guns. The owners POS son got wind of the sale. He called and asked me not to sell the number 1s. He states he was wanting the .243 to give to his boy. Which is complete hog wash, another story in it's self, Any way I decided to go ahead an open the box. The gun was wrapped in brown wax paper then placed in a plastic sleeve. The wood was gorgeous as with many No 1s from the 70s. BUT there was rust forming at the swivel block and just forward of the action. I was kind of heart broken but also relieved that I had not sold it to someone and they received a "pig in the poke" The son told his mother "he was going to buy them from her". I told her to charge him $800 for that would be the lower end for a Ruger No 1. I'm sure the son will not be coming up with $800

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