Said goodbye to my LCP

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Ruger Redhawk

May 25, 2003
North Carolina
Clarkston_cz said:
My new :CP II will be going down the road.

Cool looking .380 that kind of matches the looks of my RAP Compact.

However, I cna't get more than 1 or 2 shots off before dumping the
mag. Very frustrating, and at my age I'm not into learning any new ways
to hold a LCP.

I'll be better off with a copper cylinder (colored) KLCR .357 or KLCR.

There's been several say that about the LCP's dropping the magazines lately here and on another Ruger forum. I have that Custom ,with one outing to the range it did alright. I don't miss the LCPII a bit and glad it's gone. I might end up using my early LCP and the Custom for trading material eventually. In the meantime I slip the Custom in my wallet holster once in awhile to make it feel appreciated LOL.


Jan 2, 2017
Own a pre-lock 442 and an original LCP. Like both for what they are and can shoot both very well and <10 yards. Neither weapon is intended for anything further IMHO. No problems with dropping mags for the LCP, and no trigger problems with the 442. Carry the LCP more because its so much easier to pocket carry in dress slacks.