Almost forgot how much I like my Rugers

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Jan 2, 2005
Northern Illinois
Yesterday I went to the range, and realized that for the last several visits I had only been shooting the handguns that I don't count on and almost take for granted for self defense at home and away. I've been shooting my 38 revolvers, and 22LR pistols, and my trusty P97 that I had not fired in about a year or so. So yesterday I spent some time shooting my LC9s, the gun that goes in my pocket holster every day and that I count on for my day to day self defense. What a great little gun! I fired about 120 rounds without a single problem, and although I am not an expert marksman by any means, almost surprised myself by how well I was able to place rounds in the target at both 7 and 10 yards (which I consider about the maximum distance I would likely ever be shooting in a self defense scenario). Even rapid firing without fully aiming I was able to achieve pretty decent center of mass hits. I also shot about 100 rounds with my sr40c, a gun I keep in a back-up location in my home. While I am not a big fan of the 40S&W cartridge, again I had not a single problem with the gun and it renewed my confidence in my ability to hit what I aim at at inside-the-home distances. Now I am looking forward to getting a new Ruger Mark IV sometime soon. More and more I find that the Rugers are what I am glad I own, and my Smiths and others are getting less time at the range or in my pocket.