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  1. C

    What’s it worth?

    I have an original LC9. It goes bang every time I pull the trigger. That makes it a keeper for me!
  2. C

    LC9s vs SR9c

    I'm not sure what your work or social environment is, but I'm not a big fan of "Off Body" carry! I would look for a way to work it into your wardrobe.
  3. C

    Old lc9

    I've had the original since they first came out. It always goes bang. I'm keeping mine!
  4. C

    LCR Copper!

    I would imagine that they are made with the same materials as the black ones? Not sure how they get the copper color!
  5. C

    LCR Copper!

    I just noticed a LCR 38 with a copper colored cylinder. Any idea why they would be selling for $30 less than one with a black cylinder? Just curious?
  6. C

    First time shooting new LCP

    The magazine will load easier until the spring gets realxed a little. Also holding the magazine release in at times helps?
  7. C

    First time shooting new LCP

    Did you have the slide open?
  8. C

    Why can't Ruger ....

    I'm with you. I'm surprised that they allow Trolls like Rev on here!! :evil:
  9. C

    Does anyone still carry an original LC9

    I still carry my original. It does what it's supposed to do!
  10. C

    LC9 trade in to LC9s for $160 bucks!!

    Any gun that goes "Bang" every time I pull the trigger is OK in my book! Even if it's a Taurus!
  11. C

    LC9 trade in to LC9s for $160 bucks!!

    You really have a "Hurt" on for the LC9?
  12. C

    LC9 trade in

    too bad it's not for the LC9 Pro?
  13. C

    LC9 add hogue?

    I use tennis racket tape. Cheap and it works for any size handgun!
  14. C

    2nd time back to ruger for repair

    I'm always leery of first post being a knock Ruger one!
  15. C

    New Galloway Trigger Kit for LC9

    That was a terrible thing that happened. I remember hearing about it. But I'm not sure what it has to do with Galloway Trigger kits for the LC9????