Young and naïve......

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Bob Wright

Jun 24, 2004
Memphis, TN USA
Many years ago, when I was a lad, I was at that time in a young boy's life that the existence of Sant Claus was starting to be in doubt. Maybe you remember being in that state? Where you're not sure what the older boys are saying? And you sure don't want to mess up a good thing?

I was at that period of my life (No, not adulthood as some might suggest) when I was visiting my uncle's home in Red Boiling Springs, Tennessee. Now Uncle Arthur lived on a farm, the kind with no electricity nor running water, and located so visitors had to cross a foot log to get up to his house. Sort of old fashioned rural.

Close by his house was a big old weathered barn, greyed from the weather. I seldom went near the barn, but this day I ventured into it. Took a few seconds for my eyes to get accustomed to the darkness. Then, before my wonderin' eyes, appeared a sleigh! Now I had never seen a real one horse open sleigh before, no any other kind for that matter. I stood there in awe, thinking I had discovered Santa Claus' garage!

Even more full of uncertainty, I never uttered a word about my find.

Bob Wright


May 10, 2008
Mercer County, PA
Bob Wright said:
Many years ago, when I was a lad, I was at that time in a young boy's life that the existence of Sant Claus was starting to be in doubt. Maybe you remember being in that state? Where you're not sure what the older boys are saying? And you sure don't want to mess up a good thing?

I was at that period of my life (No, not adulthood as some might suggest) when I was visiting my uncle's home in Red Boiling Springs, Tennessee. Now Uncle Arthur lived on a farm, the kind with no electricity nor running water, and located so visitors had to cross a foot log to get up to his house. Sort of old fashioned rural.

Close by his house was a big old weathered barn, greyed from the weather. I seldom went near the barn, but this day I ventured into it. Took a few seconds for my eyes to get accustomed to the darkness. Then, before my wonderin' eyes, appeared a sleigh! Now I had never seen a real one horse open sleigh before, no any other kind for that matter. I stood there in awe, thinking I had discovered Santa Claus' garage!

Even more full of uncertainty, I never uttered a word about my find.

Bob Wright

But still a good memory...
Jan 2, 2005
Northern Illinois
My wife's family wanted to preserve the children's belief in Santa as long as possible. When she was about 8, her family went to a relative's home for the evening and to celebrate Christmas Eve together. The children were told that they could stay up until midnight, or until Santa was on the roof, but then they would have to go to bed. My wife was already skeptical, but not yet convinced that Santa was really Daddy or anyone else. Just before midnight, the gathered family heard some heavy thuds on the roof, bells tingling and a hearty "Ho, ho, ho". The adults told the kids to get right into their beds so that Santa would not decide to ride away before dropping off their presents. My wife said that her skepticism was gone, and she believed, no, she KNEW that Santa was real because she had heard him on the roof! It wasn't until she was into her 20's and already married that one of her uncles told her that it was him up on the roof, freezing his butt off, to fulfill the family's elaborate plan to convince the children of Santa being real.

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