Price Check on Used 10/22 Deluxe

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Jan 11, 2006
Phoenix, Az.
Ran across a shop today that looked like they took in a collection. They had several older 10/22 Deluxes in varying condition. All looked well taken care of but some did have dings in the wood and some blueing wear around the muzzles. One in particular looked to be unfired. Another had a cheapie Tasco scope on it. Price on all of them was marked at $299. I can get a new Deluxe for $275 but I'd rather have the older one without the plastic parts and crappy finish. The shop's known to dicker, I just want to have some ballpark idea before I go down that road.

Thanks in adance.
$250 is reasonable if they haven't moved in a while. Less if it is used.

They will always dicker on price if they slapped $299 on it !
I've got three DSP's. I paid $200.00 for two of them, and $238.00 for the other. The more expensive of the three came with a 4x28 Simmons scope. But...I did get them all more than a year ago.

I'd say 225-250.00 depending on condition.
Well I went by today and got it. No box, single mag and probably an honest 95% or better condition. When I asked about price they came down to $250. I offered $225 and they accepted. I feel pretty good about the deal, I definately prefer it over the newer production models.

Turns out they took in a collection of over eighty 10/22's. They had some that were very early production still in the factory wapper in the box in back. They also had some with the finger groove forend stock. Unfortunately those were not nearly in the same condition as mine. The other strange collection they took in was sixty Remington Model 600 carbines. Just about every single variation and chambering imaginable. did good. Sounds like there are some good guns in the remainder of that collection also....those fingergroove stocks are real nice.
don't know what the delux model is but i put one on lay a way at local cash america for my grandson for 179. next day saw a new one at walmart for 197. and a stainless one foe 237. stock on the one i bought looked a lot nicer. condition looked excellent
The delux model has a checkered walnut stock and some extra's like sling swivles and such. They generally run $50-60 more than the standard carbine.

Saw a Deluxe at Cabela's today, they said it was "LNIB", they had a $499.99 price tag on it....From reading this thread, that is a bit much?
Ed333":mc8pedyr said:
Saw a Deluxe at Cabela's today, they said it was "LNIB", they had a $499.99 price tag on it....From reading this thread, that is a bit much?

When you said "Cabela's", that pretty much explains the price. Their new guns are fairly reasonable - not a bargain, but not a total rip-off. However.... their pricing on used guns leaves me shaking my head in amazement.

The 31st edition of the Blue Book (which is not gospel, but is a good place to start) puts a 100% 10/22 Deluxe at $310.
thanks... I knew it seemed high, but didn't realize how far out they were, being new to the 10/22 world. Still not sure I want to jump to semi-auto...I love my CZ's.
Bought my DSP in about 1981 from a guy who won it in a shooting match. It was like new with a Bushnell scope on it. Paid $115. Sigh. Those were the days.
welldoya":2rybhdrx said:
Bought my DSP in about 1981 from a guy who won it in a shooting match. It was like new with a Bushnell scope on it. Paid $115. Sigh. Those were the days.

And thats.... $276 in 2010 Obama dollars. Toss in the cheap scope and it still would be a fair deal today in "like new" condition.
zounds good
Last year got a used 10/22 carbine, composite camo stock, with one mag, at well known birmingham, al dealer for $225 plus tax 10% EEK!
Love it so far,
btw I use only 10 rd factory mags, 32 round Pro Mag, and decent ammo.
Those who feed their rifle dull lead heads thru sloppy magazines need to save money to use for extra cleaning and the extra time for stovepipes.

Always wanted a 10 22;
it complements my 77 30 06 very nicely.

The more I see Winchester and Remington, the more I love Ruger.

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