P95 mag eject

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Aug 29, 2009
Hi All,

Anyone have problem with the right side mag eject button on the P95? I am a righty and it seems to dig in to my middle finger. It's not a deal killer and so far I love the gun but it could be more comfortable.

Any recommendations apart from filing it down?

I have hit it and dropped a mag at IDPA a couple of times. Usually it is all my grip and probably best that it did.

I was tense and really gripped tight.

I have thought more than once maybe I should grind that right button down so it doesn't happen because I am sure it would be a real problem in a real self defense instances as I am more apt to repeat the grip there.

You can also bend the spring, I did this and now you have to PUSH the release. I don't shoot IPDA so it's not a concern of mine if it's takes a sec or 3 to release the mag.
IMHO if you are dropping the mag with your trigger finger there isn't any way to fix it but remove it from that side.

My problem wasn't with my trigger finger. My gun would occasionally release the mag when I was reholstering it depending on the angle I entered the holster.