Old Model Blackhawk

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anyone else see this?

I know $446 sounds like a good value, but let explain the true cost.
I am in California and this revolver can be transferred here because it is more than 50 years old and therefore a C&R; it also qualifies under the single-action exemption in the roster.
So let's see my cost once I get it in my hot little hand in CA. The Gunbroker, sales tax, and credit card fees add about 14%. California tax adds another 11%.
On a $446 revolver that adds $111.50. Then add shipping at $40 and the dealer fee of $115 (includes the CA $37+ background check fee) and we get to a total of $712.50. Not so good a deal any more.
You gotta pay $115 to the dealer??? My FFL is a friend of mine and just does the paperwork, hands me the gun and that's it. On a bad day if someone else is working that doesn't know me it's $25

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