GP100 357 Mag double action only model

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Dec 5, 2002
Idaho falls, ID
I know just enough about Ruger double actions that if it was dynamite I might have enough to blow my nose.

I have a gentleman telling me this is a Canandian Police weapon. He advised that it has Century Arms markings on it and import stamps. Something I should investigate further? It looks pretty rough from the pictures he sent me.

Thanks in advance.

The ones that went to Canada and came back were the half lug and bobbed hammer and Century import marked.
At least that's the way I remember things.
I don't remember if they were 357 or 38 though.
Think the compact grips were standard.
Others will chime in soon I hope.
What's the s/n?

Not sure there is much ( if ANY ) premium attached to those though. They were NOT marked RCMP or anything I don't think.
It would really depend on what he is asking for it. Being sold to a Canada LE agency and then exported back to the US, it might command a very wee bit of a premium (if you know what agency it went to) From what I see, the condition isn't pristine, however, that can be restored with a little work. And it can always be restored to be a SA/DA with minimal work and parts (hammer). What makes it a true DAO (if it is) is that the hammer just doesn't have the SA notch cut into it.
I have one that is a 3" DAO with Century Arms markings. From what I remember is that it was a Canadian LE trade in, municipal PD not RCMP. It had a little bit of wear but it cleaned up OK.
The price was right so I got it.
Bobbed hammer and DAO GP100, a bit big for a snubby.