Air gun for pests.

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Dec 16, 2005
On the beach and in the hills
Go full Where Eagles Dare on 'em...😉
Or something like this.

Shreds 2 liter soda bottles.


Jun 20, 2009
Sonoran Desert Az.
Stray dogs on the farm. Don't want to kill them. Just sting them. They're yappers and snappers.

A repeating pistol that uses an air cartridge, maybe? They ambush then retreat to maybe 30 feet away. I just want to discourage them from coming on the property.

And, yes, we've complained to the owner and she's going to have a pen built. And that's been awhile.
Since you already talked to the owners.
I would take pictures of them on your property and then call animal control.
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Aug 1, 2022
Communist Paradise of NY
Glass marbles in a wrist rocket slingshot work great. Green marbles blend into the grass and are difficult to see. In the early 1990's there was a large unneutered Airedale in the neighborhood who used to get into the trash on garbage day. He was head first in a tipped over can across the street and I nailed him in the nuggets with a marble. He got stuck in the can making that Yipe! Yipe! Yipe! noise that they make when startled. I ran across the street and started playing the largest game of kick the can that you can imagine. After he got free from the can he wouldn't go anywhere on our block. I saw him once after his lesson and hollered YAAAA at him. He ran down the street leaving a yellow trail and going Yipe Yipe! Problem solved....


Ruger Guru
Sep 18, 2002
Lake Lure NC USA
As noted above,, animal cruelty can become a big issue quickly. To the point of legal action against you. I suggest you research animal cruelty laws prior to using anything.

Non-lethal methods are preferred.

As noted,, a wrist rocket can be an easy way to possibly dissuade a dog from visiting a piece of property if it learns that a sudden sharp non-lethal pain results. Use an object that won't cause any damage,, such as a paintball or other biodegradable item.

And even if the law says something like; "An owner of a dog is responsible for the dogs actions off the owners property" doesn't automatically allow cruel actions.

BB guns can penetrate the skin, requiring a veterinarian to remove it.

NC has a law like I mentioned above about owners responsibility. We had a problem many, many years ago with a person who failed to keep their dogs up & out of our garbage, and they would crap on the property as well.
Calls to animal control were not effective,, as they had a long backlog of complaints. After over 6 weeks of no action, and my mother's dog caught the parvo virus & almost died,, mom told me to "Burn their butts," when I saw any dogs on the place.
A total of (6) dogs were popped with a mild load of 3 pieces of buckshot in a Speer shot shell in a 38 spl. That cured (6) dogs. However,, dog #7 happened to get hit with a different load. (my mistake.) It was hit from about 40 yds with an inverted HBWC.
That dog got a serious wound. It went to the vet. The police were called. While the police chief was telling me that the dog's owners were likely going to file charges,, one of their other dogs showed up on the property. I was later arrested for animal cruelty. My mom paid for the lawyer, and testified in court of all the problems we'd had with loose dogs. The police chief testified he saw the loose dogs on the property. Animal control testified they had not been able to get to our property, despite (4) calls by my mother asking for help. The case was dismissed.

BUT,,, it cost money, and I was charged.

My point is,, use a non-lethal approach to dealing with issues. Even if the law says you have certain rights, doesn't mean you will not be charged.
Dec 16, 2005
On the beach and in the hills
If I went out in the yard carrying anything that looked like an assault weapon and pointed it at a neighborhood dog I fully expect I would have the cops called on me.
Actually that's entirely possible. Years ago I was in my garage cleaning a shotgun when a couple of Sheriff vehicles showed up (they rode alone back then).

It seems a neighbor walked by and called the sheriff about a man with a gun. This was swatting long before swatting had a name.

The deputies played it cool and I met s couple of nice folks.

I did have a conversation about thinking before acting stupid with the neighbor. Fortunately that fool left this mortal coil a few years later.


Jun 15, 2006
Vancouver WA USA
Airsoft gun. Shoots a lightweight 6mm plastic bb around 250 FPS in the spring versions.. Aim for butt since that could still do eye damage. Accurate enough for minute of dog butt range.


Jan 5, 2012
Seymour, CT
In addition to the slingshot, I learned (when I was a Paperboy, after being dog-bitten) to charge at the dog at full speed, not saying anything until about ten feet from the dog, and then screaming my head off at the animal. Funny (really!) how a sudden surprise gets their attention. Nowadays I can't run much anymore. So if it's a stray dog or deer they get the sling. Almost every neighbor does not let their dog run free.


Jan 31, 2004
Southern California
How about wax bullets? They can be used many ways. Below you see cases that have been drilled out to use 209 shotgun primers. No pressing it in needed, the recoil shield holds them in place. You also see some .22 cal cases that use 22 blank as the propellant. Or you can just use a case with only a primer in it to propel the wax. You can also put a little powder in it but just the primer shoots that wax pretty well.



Mike J

Aug 5, 2007
Sounds like the dog might take a souvenir home.
Just a welt. Use something that wont penetrate like a BB or pellet. Bruises go away after a day or two. Don't aim at vital areas (no head shots, heart shots). If you hit them in the hindquarter they will leave.

Paul B

Dec 4, 1999
Tucson, AZ
Unfortunately about the only dogs I have trouble with are pit bulls and pit bull mixes. Neighbors turn them loose to roam after dark and it's a miracle no one has been mauled. Closest neighbors have been warned that if their dog attacks me, they will have to bury what's left.

Guy next door had one that was uge. He was the nicest dog with people. But let another animal regardless of type come within his reach and it was lights out. Against another dog the pit bull was a stone killer.
Paul B.


Jan 11, 2009
I live in a rural area in town so get some real bad dogs. I raised horses for years, could not tell you how many dogs have been shot with rifle or pistol. Today I no longer have colts running around but if a dog comes around it gets shot.


Jan 31, 2004
Southern California
I live in a rural area in town so get some real bad dogs. I raised horses for years, could not tell you how many dogs have been shot with rifle or pistol. Today I no longer have colts running around but if a dog comes around it gets shot.
There are ways to deal with animals without killing them. Glad I don't live around you. You sound too gun happy for me. I'll bet you also get a kick out of just killing something.