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Bob Wright

Jun 24, 2004
Memphis, TN USA
Must have been for medicinal purposes because we know Baptists are against drinking!

To explain a mite further, at one time whisky and beer were both acceptable in moderation. However in the latter part of the Nineteenth Century drunkeness became vary common and Baptist preachers began condemning drinking alcohol altogether. Today modern life has seen many problems connected with drinking, such as deaths resulting from driving while drunk and many broken homes. For these reasons the Baptist church has taken a stand against the liquor industry as a whole.

As for me personally, I abstain as I believe it would hurt my testimony if some of my young folks would see me drinking. I have tried to set an example for the young folks coming up around me. Many of these youngsters have no, or poor, role models. Maybe I can fill that void for them.

Bob Wright
Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
Back in the 1800's alcohol was one of the few medicines we had.... it was highly in demand for many uses.... the Scotch Irish brought distilling to this country and refined it. We almost lost the country in 1792 over taxing alcohol the first time.... Washington (George, there was no city then) had to send 25,000 troops into Pennsylvania, Hamilton led them because we needed the money from the tax to pay off the French. A good bit of this has to do with why a number of them moved on to Western N.C. and what would become Tennessee and Kentucky... all wilderness to get away from our government.
I think bourbon is a gift from God... but it of course has its down side. I usually have my finger or three most nights... but in saying this I have to also say I respect Bob and his discipline and dedication.
Nov 15, 2023
To explain a mite further, at one time whisky and beer were both acceptable in moderation. However in the latter part of the Nineteenth Century drunkeness became vary common and Baptist preachers began condemning drinking alcohol altogether. Today modern life has seen many problems connected with drinking, such as deaths resulting from driving while drunk and many broken homes. For these reasons the Baptist church has taken a stand against the liquor industry as a whole.

As for me personally, I abstain as I believe it would hurt my testimony if some of my young folks would see me drinking. I have tried to set an example for the young folks coming up around me. Many of these youngsters have no, or poor, role models. Maybe I can fill that void for them.

Bob Wright
Thank you.


Apr 3, 2012
When my wife was pregnant with my youngest she had issues. Bed rest bleeding, led to premature birth. Had to stay sober to rush her to the hospital at a moments notice. Took 2 100 mph trips to the hospital running red lights and stop signs when I thought I was losing them both.

He finally was born with a hole in his heart, hip displacure, hiperspadous penis and deaf.

He came home for 3 days and got RSV my wife went to the hospital with him, I stayed home with the two youngest and still had to work. He was in a comma for 3 weeks I didn't see my wife or son for a month.

One day I realized I hadn't had a drink in 3 months and the cravings and withdrawals were gone. One heck of a rehab.

My son is in great shape now in highschool taller than me. By the grace of God all of the issues resolved themselves in the best possible ways.
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Jun 26, 2003
Not my cup of tea, but I know several guys who will live longer, healthier and happier now that they're off the bottle and on the flower.

And not by just a little. Think total life change.
AND.............. you can thank our politicians who "count the votes" to continue in their jobs. Who said they don't support their constituents????

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