Sure gets lonesome here.

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Bob Wright

Jun 24, 2004
Memphis, TN USA
I've been nursing a virus all week, haven't gotten out other than to get some medications.

At suppertime last night I boiled an ear of corn, fixed me a dish of green beans, and warmed up a sliced ham steak. As I sat down to my table, I glanced over to where Nita used to sit. In my mind, I could hear her say "Supper's ready!." Her chair sits there empty, no place setting where hers used to be. No "Want some more coffee?" Just silence as I eat my supper. I miss her terribly.

As I offer the blessing for my food, I thank God for food and ask His blessing as I eat. And, very often, I mention this forum and thank Him for men like y'all and your posts that brighten my evening. Your company, comments and photos, sure are a help to this one.

Thank y'all for being here.

Bob Wright
Jan 8, 2012
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Bob, know that you have blessed this forum in so many ways it is difficult to find words to express. I don't know personally what you are facing, but my father spent 4 years alone after the death of my mother and he really struggled. My sister and I both lived nearby and we did what we could to keep him looking forward to things, but it isn't the same. My parents had been married for 69 years when mom died. No one can take their place.

I believe God has work for you yet, and I for one appreciate the work that you are doing here for Him. May He bless you and keep you forever and ever.


Ruger Guru
Sep 18, 2002
Lake Lure NC USA
Many warm & thoughtful comments above.

Obviously,, many of us care Bob.

The loss of a life-long partner leaves a huge hole in our daily lives. Just remember,, God knows what's best, and has His plan for how we live..

But us mere humans just need to take comfort in the knowledge of the love & friendships we have here. And Bob,, you do have many people here who are your friends.


Mar 15, 2005
Bob, I can't tell you how much I enjoy your many posts here over the years. I have never met you in person, but I feel like you take the time to chat with us so frequently. My wife, who has never really read the forum, knows who you are, about your wife, and about the many things you have shared. She has seen some of your photos and said that I could have a hat like yours if I could carry it off like you. She has asked about you and a few other of the members here. She thinks of them as my friends, and I suppose we all are in a way. We frequently pray for each other. That must mean something.
I keep telling myself that one day, I am just going to drive down to Memphis and take you to lunch. I make 2 or 3 round trips from Saint Louis to Birmingham a year and it wouldn't be out of the way.
God has blessed you and continues to do so. Even in your loneliness, He is there with you.
Oct 20, 2022
Bob, I can't imagine being in your position. One of my friends recently lost his wife of 40+ years. He is lost…if it wasn't for his kids and the church family I don't know how he could bear it.

My heart goes out to you- and I will keep you in my prayers.
Mar 29, 2017
Bob, I hear and understand you. My wife of 27 years has been gone 1 year and 3 days ago. It seems like last week. My days being happy and joyful are far and few.
This may help, it did with me. On the dinner table I placed a 5x7 lovely photo of my wife. I do speak to her almost every day. A friend said I should not have her photo on the table as it will be harder on me emotionally to move on. I feel better about it being there.
Bob, you are a wise man and I enjoy reading your posts. As reading this thread others agree. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and wisdom.
Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
Bob, like the others above, I have great respect for you and also realize it has to be tough to be alone like that. I really can't imagine it. I like I think many others here wish we could do more for you. Is there anyway you could make the long treck over to Western N.C. in the Fall? I'm sure Contender and the others would welcome you with open arms. Hang in there and I'm sure there are those here that are praying for you. I know you have prayed for some of us in the past.


Feb 22, 2007
Round Rock, Texas
Kmoore, That is a good way to help keep your loved one alive in your heart.
I have my late grandsons picture on the library table next to my recliner so I can say good morning and good night every day.
It helps, even after the two years he's been gone.

Bob, you know you will be back with Nita one of these days, so take comfort in that.
In the meantime your friends here will be blessed to enjoy your gentlemanly camaraderie and extensive knowledge that you so generously share.
You are not alone.
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Jan 5, 2011
Bob as I grow older, my friends and the wives and husbands are leaving this mortal state---it hurts me greatly seeing the hurt the survivors go thru---I've been with my wife for 44 years now and I know things will be very tough for her when I leave and I worry about it...
Try to remember the good times and smile---she would want you to...