A Different Hawkeye

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Feb 25, 2013

While waiting in line in the school parking lot to pick up his daughter after school, my son noticed this large hawk perched atop the cross on top of the adjoining church's steeple. The hawk was staring down at the young children as they filed out of the school, a rather eerie sight, reminiscent of Alfred Hitchcock's movie, "The Birds".

He wanted to capture an image of this unusual sight and tried to get a picture of the hawk with his cell phone. However, he was too far away to capture a decent image. Thinking quickly, he grabbed a pair of binoculars from inside of the car and placed the camera lens of his cell phone up to the eyepiece on one side of the binoculars and snapped this picture. Eureka! It worked, and pretty darn well too. As a photographer myself, the quality of the images that today's cell phone cameras capture just amazes me.

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