Found one from my family's past...right here!

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Mar 17, 2005
Philadelphia, PA, USA
A little context. Back in the late 60's, my dad had a Colt Cobra .38 that he kept in the house. I don't know where he got it, or the story behind it, but he talked about having it. My mother kept it loaded when he was traveling for work while she was alone with my sister.

Anyhow, sometime soon after I was born in '69 and they were living in NJ, he traded the Cobra off to his work buddy, "Wild Willie" for a Savage 99 in .300 Savage. He hunted with that Savage ever since until he pretty much gave up hunting a few years ago. In fact, when I got to hunting age, we got me my own Savage 99 as well.

Anyhow, fast forward a bunch of years and I'm now an expat from Jersey in PA and have gotten into handguns. That "lost" Cobra from our family history always intrigued me in the back of my mind...I've looked at gun shows and on Gunbroker and the "early" (pre-'72) models were always pretty scarce, beat up, rusted (not the frame, being the alloy model), going for stupid high prices, or a combination of those. I don't know why, as I'm not a Colt collector and it wasn't really a significant part of my family history, but the idea of having one always intrigued me...maybe a little of the "one that got away" thoughts.

Well, lo and behold, I saw a listing on this fine forum from none other than our very own @Far North Collector ! He was selling one that has some honest wear but not abuse. Anyhow, we made a deal and after some challenges in working out the shipping logistics to my FFL (some self-imposed limits that my local FFLs follow) that almost resulted in the deal's falling through, I now have a piece of "Aqualung Family History".

I gave it a good look and a cleaning (which it didn't really need)...and of course, the Aqualung Household-mandated CAT-Scan:

It's Bandit-Approved:

As expected, it's got some wear in spots and very slight (really need to be close to see) roughness/pitting from a lifetime of being a utility gun and not a safe queen. Nothing unexpected from a 1957 gun. I don't think it was shot much, as there's no rattle or looseness at all.

Here are some closer shots:


I am very happy to have this bit of family history and glad that it was through someone here on this forum. this is the third gun I've bought from someone on this forum and all have worked out great!

Thanks to Far North Collector for working with me in facing the challenge I found with my local FFLs.

Jan 11, 2008
big lake alaska
A little context. Back in the late 60's, my dad had a Colt Cobra .38 that he kept in the house. I don't know where he got it, or the story behind it, but he talked about having it. My mother kept it loaded when he was traveling for work while she was alone with my sister.
your very welcome....great story. im happy to know im part of chapter #2. FNC

Paul B

Dec 4, 1999
Tucson, AZ
I had one back in the late 50's. It was a comfort coming home from my place of employment. I was working swing shift in a paper box plane in San Bruno and had to commute coming and going. There was a some racial problems in IIRC 1958 or59 and San Francisco was under a fairly strict curfew. Swing shift usually ends at midnight but with tons of overtime, getting off work meant 2 to 3 AM. Literally only a few people out at that time. Cop bad guys and people like me getting off work. God only knows how many times I got stopped for curfew violation. Back then I had that Colt Cobra under the seat of my VW convertible and thankfully the cops never searched my car. There were a few incidents with denizens of the "preferred" race but the sight of a gun and my attitude shut those down quickly. Times I do kick myself for letting a friend talk me out of that gun. AFAIK, if he's even still alive he may even still have it. He'd be a year younger than me and I'm almost halfway into my 8th decade.
Paul B.


Jul 17, 2014
Northern California
I had one back in the late 50's. It was a comfort coming home from my place of employment. I was working swing shift in a paper box plane in San Bruno and had to commute coming and going. There was a some racial problems in IIRC 1958 or59 and San Francisco was under a fairly strict curfew. Swing shift usually ends at midnight but with tons of overtime, getting off work meant 2 to 3 AM. Literally only a few people out at that time. Cop bad guys and people like me getting off work
I grew up in San Bruno on Kains Ave. in the Mills Park neighborhood. Went to Capuchino HS. Lived there from 1953 to 1972. Where did you live?

Paul B

Dec 4, 1999
Tucson, AZ
I grew up in San Bruno on Kains Ave. in the Mills Park neighborhood. Went to Capuchino HS. Lived there from 1953 to 1972. Where did you live?
Born and raised in San Francisco. Lived in the Sunset district and Gold gate park was my playground. I left in 1960 to do my military srvice, came back in 1964, then left forever in 1968. I just didn't like the changes that happened while I was in the service. Moved to Reno Nevada as my girl friend moved to Reno to get away from a rather dangerous ex-husband. We got hitched and were together for 52 year before she passed. Never regretted a single day with her.
Paul B.