Daughter's changing jobs

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Dec 25, 2007
The aggravation and stress of working in county prosecutor's office has become too much. Even though she's been extremely effective at what she does, the hassle of facing off with a constant flow of verbal threats, physical altercations, and lack of security/support has taken it's toll. When she started the job, there were two people in the office and a security officer behind the 'panic button' but for most of a year now, she's all alone w/o much security unless a badged officer just happens to be close. NOT GOOD. Regardless, not long ago one of her non-compliant 'customers' went to the Prosecutor to complain that the tongue lashing received from her had made him cry( I wonder where she got that from?). o_O
This week she was contacted by a 'head hunter' for an opening in an entirely different line of work for a nation wide business w/o the hassle of dealing with criminals and she's pretty enthused with the opportunity. Another perk is the ability to work remotely up to 25% of time. There's also an immediate 25% salary increase and faster pay bumps than her present job offers.
This will certainly ease my mind about her safety and well being.


Ruger Guru
Sep 18, 2002
Lake Lure NC USA
I can fully appreciate your feelings & thoughts. Kudos on your daughter's upward move.

Miss Penny got caught up in the big housing bust many years ago, and the company she was office manager for went under. Soon after,, she went to work for a lawyer. She was a paralegal,, and was good enough that her boss, (the owner of the firm,) said he wished he could get a copy of the bar exam for her to take. He felt she could pass the bar. But while much of their work wasn't with criminal cases where aggression was involved,, they had their share of people with issues. When she got headhunted into a much better job, (pay, benefits etc,) she left. A wonderful move.
At the same time,, our youngest is LEO. Luckily,, he became a detective a few years before the "defund the police & black lives matter violence" etc crap. He's mostly in plain clothes,, and works mostly property crime. He too has to face the uncertainty of dealing with undesirable types daily. He has been steadily working towards his retirement from LE, and schooling himself to be in a good position to "move up" as well.

Tell your daughter "Thank you" for her work from those of us who appreciate the good folks who try hard to do a rough job!
Apr 2, 2014
Good for her. If she could somehow arrange a few days of job shadowing prior to giving her notice it might be a good thing.
Many of the head hunting agencies tend to make things a bit "glossy" in attempts to fill positions and get paid.
I've known many people over the years who've quickly regretted the switch as they've gotten to know their
new employer.
Dec 25, 2007
Yeah, she might have been safer when she worked inside the jail rather than in a separate building. :unsure:
They should have treated her better. She brought in close to $1 million in fines and restitution collections last year. Mostly because she followed through with paperwork and kept the payments on track.
She's NOT a person you want to owe money to(even if it's not her money).


Patriot, Mentor, Friend ~ RIP
Mar 14, 2009
Wish her Good Luck and God Bless from me. I see NO downside into making the move as described. ;)


Sparks, NV
Mar 2, 2022
Soon there will be cameras/mikes everywhere! It is a goal that might keep incidents down, like she encountered. Best wishes to her in her new job.
May 10, 2022
Peters Colony, Republica de Tejas
Hope it works out for her.

I've always counselled my kids to employ this thought process when deliberating whether to look for a different job. I tell them to honestly answer four questions:
1. Am I quitting this job for the right reasons?
2. Am I quitting this job for the wrong reasons?
3. Am I accepting this new job for the right reasons?
4. Am I accepting this new job for the wrong reasons?

I know that sounds simplistic. But I tell me kids to answer AND write down each and every reason they can think of (for each question). Then go back and see what trends emerge. All too often the lure of more money/time off offered by a prospective employer masks the unhappiness that new job may bring. And similarly, "wrong reasons" may actually give insight how to resolve those reasons without quitting.

And if that next, new job happens to be in a different field, that brings even more challenges. I've counselled folks to take the Myers Briggs personality test - https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test - then go to the Ball State University website where those Myers Briggs test results are matched to careers - some which require degrees and some which do not - https://www.bsu.edu/about/administrativeoffices/careercenter/tools-resources/personality-types )

Myers Briggs-type tests don't tell what career the test-taker should pursue. Rather, Myers Briggs tells what careers would be most satisfying based on the personality of the test taker. That's a huge difference. Job satisfaction is a much more powerful motivator for job performance than compensation.

There are other tests similar to Myers Briggs, and other universities that correlate their degree offerings to test results. I gave Myers Briggs and Ball State just to illustrate the concepts. The Myers Briggs test can be taken for free if you search around for it on the internet.

[The Myers Briggs website charges a fee - $50 last time I looked - to take their test AND link to Myers Briggs relatively short list of careers by personality type. Not a good value at all. Ball State does a much better job. Nevertheless, the concept of identifying personality type and matching it to satisfying careers is absolutely valid.]

Another key to career satisfaction is determining whether you have a "project" or a "process" mentality. Process people like to do the same job over and over, and look to refine that process. They don't get bored with this repetitive activity.

Project people, on the other hand, relish the challenge of doing something brand new. They'll enjoy doing it a second time, too. But quickly they become bored and want a new challenge. Careers can be segregated into a "project vs process" listing. A project person will not likely be happy with a career whose basis is performing a repetitive process.

My 3 kids (age 44, 42 and 34) took Myers Briggs in their 10th grade and 12th grade of public school. Sure enough, they are in exactly the types of careers Myers Briggs predicted they'd enjoy doing. Better yet, each of them has been in his/her current employment ever since they started work: one for 21 years as a career army Blackhawk pilot, one for 23 years as a senior administrator in a large school district, and the last for 13 years as a CPA for an international accounting firm. It is highly unusual for adults their ages to have stayed with a single employer their entire career. I believe the insights about careers each of my kids gained from Myers Briggs testing contributed to their career selections.

Just a thought.
Dec 25, 2007
She's cycled through several different and varied jobs over the past 20 years. Sheriff's dispatcher for two separate counties. Phlebotomist and lab assistant in the largest hospital in the area. Case worker and office manager for an agency handling 'special needs' customers. Office manager for Sheriff's office and county jail. Currently works in county attorney office handling fines and restitution collections. Way more patience than I have for sure.
I think she's ready for a job in which people don't yell, cuss, and spit during conversations.
Nov 15, 2023
Good for her! I left on of the big banks and went to a small community bank. Took a 17% cut in pay. Absolutely worth it. Working conditions can kill you before you can spend the bucks. So happy to hear she got both

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