Open Carry

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Dec 25, 2007
Are you saying 'unwise' due to being the target of a gun grabber(part of carrying a gun is maintaining control of the gun), gathering disdaining responses from other people(personally, I don't give a damn what someone else thinks) or being targeted by LEO who wish to discourage ANYONE from being armed (keep the recorder function of your phone handy and tell the fuzz you're recording their actions)?
IMHO, open carry may be 'unwise' in some locations. One big difference is how many folks engage in OC. The more, the better. If one person open carries, it results in unwanted attention. If one THOUSAND open carry, it's totally different.
MO has always been OC in most places and is now 'Constitutional concealed carry'. Neither of these has caused the highly touted 'gunfights in the streets'.
I often OC especially in summer. One would surprised just how few people pay enough attention to notice a discretely holstered handgun. I do notice and the number of citizens(both male and female) with a holster on their belt would surprise some folks.
Nov 15, 2023
Are you saying 'unwise' due to being the target of a gun grabber(part of carrying a gun is maintaining control of the gun), gathering disdaining responses from other people(personally, I don't give a damn what someone else thinks) or being targeted by LEO who wish to discourage ANYONE from being armed (keep the recorder function of your phone handy and tell the fuzz you're recording their actions)?
IMHO, open carry may be 'unwise' in some locations. One big difference is how many folks engage in OC. The more, the better. If one person open carries, it results in unwanted attention. If one THOUSAND open carry, it's totally different.
MO has always been OC in most places and is now 'Constitutional concealed carry'. Neither of these has caused the highly touted 'gunfights in the streets'.
I often OC especially in summer. One would surprised just how few people pay enough attention to notice a discretely holstered handgun. I do notice and the number of citizens(both male and female) with a holster on their belt would surprise some folks.
I was thinking more of a situation where a bad guy shoots the guy with a gun first. Concealed carry gives the armed person the advantage of surprise or at least a choice to engage or not.


Nov 23, 2013
Monroe County, MS
Federal and State/Local laws are one thing. Personal decisions are quite another. I prefer that .gov stay out of the latter altogether regarding carry preferences and firearms, or other weapons. I fired my nanny a long time ago.

"I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do."
― Robert A. Heinlein


Nov 23, 2013
Monroe County, MS
BTW, here's what happens when a State, such as FL, passes permitless concealed carry. The same thing will happen with open carry.

Remember back in the 1980s when gun control groups screeched that Florida would turn into the "Gunshine" state when the Sunshine State passed concealed carry? Many no doubt won't as they are too young. But we saw the same thing happen just last year as Florida adopted permitless carry. Instead of homicides going through the roof as the gun control lobby predicted, Ron DeSantis' home turf has actually seen fewer homicides. A lot fewer.

In fact, with 29 states how practicing some version of Constitutional Carry (as in "I don't need no stinkin' permit!") for law-abiding residents, the murder rate has fallen 19% in 2024. So much for blood in the streets.

Moreover, 24 states allow concealed carry within their state capitol complexes without issue, and 14 states allow for visitors in the galleries overlooking the legislative chambers to carry loaded long guns.

But the Mom types will never admit reality. Instead they appeal to fear and emotions.
Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
The reality so far is it really won't change anything.... couple years ago SC started allowing open carry if you had a permit.... the only time I saw someone doing this was when I saw my reflection in a window a few months back when I went back home and was with some friends and we ran into a restaurant in the rain and I forgot to cover up. Now S.C. has some limited 'constitutional carry' to a degree for everyone... to a degree... and I have yet to see one person open carrying. When they were fixing to pass this, I was with two very left wing socialist friends who were wetting their pants over it and I had to point out that 28 other states already had it and the streets weren't running in blood.

Constitutional Carry: Anyone can carry open or concealed anywhere.... as long as they meet certain federal and state requirements and as long as they don't do it in the following list of places.... and the list is a mile long.
Dec 25, 2007
"I was thinking more of a situation where a bad guy shoots the guy with a gun first."
Another reason for having MORE open carry. On the other hand, just how many instances have been reported where an OC was shot by a bad guy who noticed the OC gun? I don't know this answer.
My response is not to look/act like a 'wild west gunfighter'. A discrete open carry is significantly less provocative than some I've seen. I live in a distinctly rural area where having/carrying a firearm is no big deal.


Nov 30, 2023
Gig Harbor, WA, USA
... tell the fuzz ...

I have nothing to add other than to say I haven't heard the charming term "fuzz" for quite a while.

...My response is not to look/act like a 'wild west gunfighter'....

Dang. Just when I was trying to perfect this look:

May 1, 2022
New Jersey
I see both sides. Certainly open carry is a better deterrent, and cops won't shoot you on sight like they have with concealed. Also slightly quicker access. For me it makes the most sense. However I do not dismiss Mobuck's statements lightly. If one is going to OC, one must stay sharp and aware at all times.


Jan 14, 2011
York County, Virginia
I see open carry around here all the time. With all the military, plain clothes detectives, and security it's pretty common. The only negative reaction I've see was last year in church when a plain clothes detective walked in wearing a nice polo shirt and slacks with his firearm and badge on his belt. Two elderly ladies in front of me started freaking out, saying, "He has a gun. I'm scared." I leaned forward and said, "He is a police officer. Look at his badge. He's probably on duty and taking personal time to go to church this morning." One of them said, "Oh ok. I feel a little better now. But it's still scary." I told her, "You're a lot safer now than you were before he walked in here. "


Jul 4, 2023
Samantha Barrios wrote:

"Law enforcement now won't be able to identify a criminal from someone who has gone through a background check and training to carry a gun in public"

That is utter nonsense. If police stop someone for PC (probable cause) they HAVE A RADIO to check them. If there's no PC, there's no reason to know if someone went through a background check or the minimalist "training" to satisfy Florida statutes.
Dec 25, 2007
I feel compelled to add this tidbit: How one dresses and their demeanor has some bearing on how open carry is perceived by others.
Now and then I see 'clowns with guns' who attract attention. Right after MO passed Constitutional carry, one such actor could be seen prowling the aisles at Walmart or just 'hanging out' outside the entrance with some sort of semi-auto in an el-cheapo nylon holster flopping on his hip as he strutted around. HE ATTRACTED ATTENTION.
I'm just an old geezer but I generally change from grubby farming/work clothes to 'town wear' before leaving home. That and the fact that I'm comfortable with carrying a gun and don't 'make a show' of carrying seems to give the general public the idea that I'm legitimate in carrying my handgun even if it's noticed. The person who's constantly adjusting or fidgetting with their carry is going to attract unwanted attention/suspicion.


Nov 23, 2013
Monroe County, MS
I feel compelled to add this tidbit: How one dresses and their demeanor has some bearing on how open carry is perceived by others.
Now and then I see 'clowns with guns' who attract attention. Right after MO passed Constitutional carry, one such actor could be seen prowling the aisles at Walmart or just 'hanging out' outside the entrance with some sort of semi-auto in an el-cheapo nylon holster flopping on his hip as he strutted around. HE ATTRACTED ATTENTION.
I'm just an old geezer but I generally change from grubby farming/work clothes to 'town wear' before leaving home. That and the fact that I'm comfortable with carrying a gun and don't 'make a show' of carrying seems to give the general public the idea that I'm legitimate in carrying my handgun even if it's noticed. The person who's constantly adjusting or fidgetting with their carry is going to attract unwanted attention/suspicion.
That's absolutely true and my experience also. :)
Nov 15, 2005
Greenville, SC: USA
My personal opinion is I like allowing 'open carry' for the simple reason it allows some latitude when carrying concealed. I prefer to stay concealed but really don't want the stress if someone can figure out the 'print' or if my shirt or cover garment rises up.

Here is the problem I have with the public's view of guns.... they have been brain washed into just accepting that it is okay for a government employee to carry but not a common citizen. There was a time in this country, all be it a long time ago, when the populous was not comfortable with those from the government being armed. In fact if you think about it, that is how the country got started......

Jack Ryan

Aug 21, 2012
I see open carry around here all the time. With all the military, plain clothes detectives, and security it's pretty common. The only negative reaction I've see was last year in church when a plain clothes detective walked in wearing a nice polo shirt and slacks with his firearm and badge on his belt. Two elderly ladies in front of me started freaking out, saying, "He has a gun. I'm scared." I leaned forward and said, "He is a police officer. Look at his badge. He's probably on duty and taking personal time to go to church this morning." One of them said, "Oh ok. I feel a little better now. But it's still scary." I told her, "You're a lot safer now than you were before he walked in here. "
Sounds familiar, they just can't understand...

Trooper Joe

Dec 8, 2007
West Michigan
When I was a detective with a state agency, we had a rule that our guns could not be in plain view (ie., open carry). I have been retired 35 years and still comply with those guideline's when armed. I respect the non-gun citizens feelings about being nervous when they see open carry. I would hope they respect my feelings about being served a meal in a restaurant with someone with a ring in their nose (I may be losing that battle).

Trooper Joe


Sep 11, 2007
I'm in favor of it, to eliminate have police called because my, otherwise concealed, firearm, was seen when my shirt, jacket or other cover, exposed the gun on my belt. This was a case I heard of when I first moved to FL, & the person was fined for it. I think the case could have been handled as "Move along, nothing to see here", with open carry.


Jan 14, 2011
York County, Virginia
Mobuck, of all the open carriers I've seen in this area over the years I can only recall two that weren't professional looking. One was some guy in Walmart wearing baggy sweatpants with a sagging belt wrapped his waist, old beat up cheap holster, and carrying a nice revolver that was about to fall out of it. The other one was a guy with his gun showing because he had pulled his sweatshirt up over it. This was in the local mall that prohibits guns on the premises, another gun free zone.
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